Celebrity Gossip Blogger Perez Hilton Sparks Outrage by Encouraging Kylie Jenner to Abort Nigger Baby

Benjamin Garland
Daily Stormer
September 25, 2017

Homosexual celebrity gossip blogger Perez Hilton is suspected of harboring neo-nazi sympathies.

Wow, who knew a faggot could be this BASED?

Say what you will about faggots, but one thing that’s for sure is that they have an eye for aesthetics.

That’s why so many of them are home decorators and whatnot.

And if there’s one thing that is aesthetically unpleasant, it’s half-nigger babies.

Finally, one faggot has mustered the courage to buck political correctness and come out and state the obvious.

Daily Record:

Perez Hilton has caused a stir online after he claimed Kylie Jenner should have an abortion.

It comes after rumours that Kylie, 20, is four months pregnant with boyfriend Travis Scott’s baby .

Perez took to his YouTube channel to rant about the apparent pregnancy, before claiming that the relationship won’t last.

He said: “Ring the alarm! Oh my god I needed to get on here and let you know Kylie Jenner is 99% pregnant!”

He then gave a slow clap and added: “She knows how to work it!

“She is the new Kim Kardashian! Kylie Jenner has just one upped everyone.”

He added: “I love life, I love babies, but if I was Kris Jenner I’d tell her to get an abortion.

It seems the days of holding back are coming to an end.

It’s time to just tell it like it is.

This meme says it all:

Bobby no. Just no. Gross.

At this rate, as long as Perez repents for all the dicksucking, he may actually be spared the oven on the day of reckoning.

God createth abortion so thou may riddeth the world of mongrel abominations.