Charleston: Did You Know the KKK was Still Around? Because I Wasn’t Really Totally Aware of that Fact

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 9, 2017

The Washington Post, on their YouTube channel, has a video of the KKK marching against BLM. Or perhaps the other way around.

I wasn’t personally aware that either of these groups were still active.

I remember that guy Frank Aconda getting murdered by his wife’s son or something a while back. He seemed like an okay guy. But I didn’t think he was any more of a “group” than I am a “group.” I got the feeling he was just a guy trolling on his computer.

But no. Apparently, they have groups of guys who go out and march.

Of course, I don’t think that’s great optics. The whole robes and so on. But whatever. That isn’t any of my business.

I think if they added an element of irony, it could be fun, but right now – wow, too serious for me.

Not much American media covering this, surprisingly.

The French did though.


Police in the US state of Virginia arrested at least 23 people on Saturday as counter-protesters confronted members of the white supremacist group Ku Klux Klan, who were protesting the removal of a Confederate statue.

Some fifty Klansmen had organised a rally against a decision by the city council of Charlottesville, VA to remove a statue of its native son, Confederate General Robert E. Lee, who led pro-slavery forces during the US Civil War.

With certain members wearing KKK robes, bearing Confederate flags and anti-Semitic signs, the group was outnumbered by as many as a thousand counter-protesters waving anti-racism signs. Their chants of, “Shame,” and “Racists go home!” drowned out the voices of KKK marchers shouting, “White power!”

Authorised under free speech laws, the rally in Justice Park lasted for less than an hour. Klan members were escorted to and from the event by armed police and separated from rival groups by metal barricades. Although at least one KKK supporter was seen carrying a holstered pistol, there were no reports of violence.

As the rally came to a close, Virginia State Police fired tear gas canisters when some protesters failed to disperse, leading to 23 arrests. Officials have not yet confirmed whether those taken into custody were counter-protesters, KKK members, or both.

Divisions in Charlottesville – known as a liberal university town in a rapidly changing and diversifying state – have flared since the city council’s 3-2 February decision to remove the Lee statue, now the subject of a legal battle. No date for the monument’s removal has been set. The local government also voted to build a new memorial that would commemorate the slaves who lived in the area.

Confederacy statues and flags have been gradually taken down across the country since 2015, when a white supremacist massacred nine black worshippers at a predominantly African-American church in Charleston, South Carolina.


He strangled them with a Confederate flag.

Critics of such monuments and flags argue that they effectively celebrate racism by honouring leaders of the Confederacy, who fought the American Civil War in order to maintain a Southern economy reliant on slave labour. Supporters often define Confederate symbols as important expressions of a distinct Southern identity.

It’s most certainly not my place to tell the KKK what to do, just as it isn’t my place to tell the NSM what to do, but I think we have ample evidence that this is a failed aesthetic, and letting them do their own thing – if they want to do this thing – is one thing. I’m not going to counter-signal them. But I definitely do not think we should be putting our resources into promoting the KKK or the NSM.

We have our own movement which is working very well, and we don’t need to get bogged down with this stuff from the 80s and 90s.