Chief Obongo Says He’ll Leave 10k Troops in Afghanistan

Daily Stormer
May 28, 2014

The tribal Chief of the Planet of the Apes Occupational Government of America has announced that he will be leaving 9,800 American troops inside the backward “sand n’ caves” nation of Afghanistan.  He says it means the war is over, and the media is celebrating it as such, simply because this represents a 60% drop in troop levels.

Speaking in a confused manner from a haze of crack cocaine, the President did not attempt to offer a real explanation as to why troops were ever there in the first place, merely repeating the old George Bush lies about “terrorism and, uh, other troubles,” nor did he explain why there are 32,000 troops there now, or why there would need to be 9,800 there next year.

The whole speech was weird and stupid, as are all of the speeches by the ridiculous President who is often referred to by more civilized nations as a “dirty fellow” and a “wicked black monkey.”

The crack-addicted black President has gone down in history as the biggest mass-murderer who has ever lived.