Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 20, 2020

Of course, hiding symptoms of an infectious disease to board a plane is legal in America, because we respect women and Asians and so on.
A Biogen employee who allegedly flew from Massachusetts to Los Angeles to China and then tested positive for COVID-19 is under investigation for concealing her symptoms and putting fellow travelers at risk of infections, the Los Angeles Times reports.
According to the L.A. Times, Jie Li, a Chinese citizen living in Massachusetts, became ill with coronavirus symptoms was denied testing when she went to a local hospital. The newspaper said she decided to fly to China through Los Angeles, took fever-reducing medications before boarding the plane and lied to flight attendants.
Li is now hospitalized, and according to Chinese law, she could face up to three years of imprisonment or detention, with possible forced labor or up to seven years in prison.
According to the Boston Globe, Li did not attend the Biogen conference held in Boston in late February, but had contact with someone who did. Nearly 100 coronavirus cases have been connected to that conference.
Li, 37, lived locally in Belmont, and the Globe said she was the associate director of biostatistics for Biogen.
Biogen confirmed Thursday that the woman was a U.S. employee of the company. In a statement, the company said said Li “made the personal decision to travel to China without informing the company and ignoring the guidance of health experts. She is no longer an employee of Biogen. We are deeply dismayed by the situation as reported by the media in China.”
Biogen declined further comment.
There is probably something a lot more interesting going on underneath this.
Why did this woman have the disease so early in Massachusetts?
And it’s just a coincidence that she worked for a biotechnology lab?
How many coincidences are there involving the Coronavirus so far?
We might need an app to manage this extreme number of coincidences.