Beaner Boy Kicks the Bucket While in Border Patrol Custody

Gottfried Sturmherr
Daily Stormer
December 26, 2018

Well, ain’t that a thing.


An 8-year-old Guatemalan boy died Christmas morning in the custody of US Customs and Border Protection, the agency said.

He is the second Guatemalan child to die in CBP custody this month.

Rep. Joaquin Castro, chairman-elect of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, identified the child in a statement as Felipe Alonzo-Gomez.

The boy, who was detained with his father, died shortly after midnight at Gerald Champion Regional Medical Center in Alamogordo, New Mexico, about 90 miles north of the border crossing in El Paso, Texas.

The boy was taken to the hospital Monday after a border agent noticed signs of illness, and the medical staff first diagnosed him with a common cold and later detected a fever.

“The child was held for an additional 90 minutes for observation and then released from the hospital mid-afternoon on December 24 with prescriptions for amoxicillin and Ibuprofen,” CBP said in a news release.

Amoxicillin is a commonly prescribed antibiotic.

On Monday evening, the boy began vomiting and was taken back to the hospital for evaluation. He died hours later, the CBP said.

The official cause of death is unknown. CBP is conducting a review and will release more details as they become available, it said.

Two weeks ago some invader child was marched to death by her father in the desert of New Mexico.

Donald Trump was blamed.

Surely, he can’t be blamed for someone dying of a disease they were infected with before they entered the country?

Of course he can.

But this brings up a more important issue: these humanoid bioweapons don’t just carry an infinite potential for violence and suffering to be unleashed on white Americans, they also quite literally carry diseases long since forgotten.

Conservative View:

Here is why it’s inconceivable that the recent resurgence of many diseases we thought were on their way to extinction is not in large part due to illegal immigration. We know that the countries dominating these caravans – Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras – have high rates of infectious diseases.

Over the past century, Americans have successfully diminished and, in some cases, nearly eradicated certain infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, pertussis, rubella, malaria, hepatitis, polio, measles, and mumps.

How many more of them are coming in and infecting Americans with those illnesses?

This cannot be allowed to continue!

The Wall must be built!

Send a message to the White House. Tell them you are worried that the migrants are bringing in those diseases and that you don’t want any of your family members to suffer and die to any one of them.

Tell them you want the Wall and you want it now.