CNN and the Jews behind it have basically been saying that white Republicans need to die for years.
Now, they’re saying that this supposed coronavirus is going to accomplish that goal – but they’re very scared for us and want to save us by removing our freedom of choice and force vaccinating us.
With the recent increase of Covid-19 infections and hospitalizations due to the spread of the highly transmissible Delta variant, health experts and officials expect the surge to worsen as long as large segments of the country remain unvaccinated.
“We will see this big, steep acceleration,” Dr. Peter Hotez, co-director for the Center for Vaccine Development at Texas Children’s Hospital, told CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Friday. “As bad as things are right now in the South, they are about to get worse for lots of unvaccinated individuals.”
Officials in Southern states, where vaccination rates have generally lagged other parts of the country, are working to get the message out.
In Georgia, the case rate has more than tripled over the last 14-day period, the state health department announced Friday as it urged residents to get vaccinated since the Delta variant is more transmissible than earlier Covid-19 strains.
“Unfortunately, we can expect Covid numbers to keep growing. People who are unvaccinated or skip their second dose of vaccine are targets for infection,” said Georgia health commissioner Dr. Kathleen E. Toomey.
More Americans may be responding to the crisis, as recent data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows the pace of vaccinations is going up — especially in states where vaccination rates were lowest.
They’re not responding to the invisible fake crisis – they’re responding to the menacing threats that they won’t be allowed to participate in society if they refuse the vaxx.
The US averaged 652,084 doses administered per day — whether a first or a second shot — over the past week as of Friday, according to the CDC. That’s up almost 27% from the average seen about three weeks ago.
The increase has been sharper in some states with the lowest vaccine adoption rates.Alabama, which has the lowest percentage of its population fully vaccinated (34%), saw its seven-day average of daily doses more than double from where it was three weeks earlier: 13,131 a day vs. 6,138, according to the CDC.
That average also more than doubled in three weeks in Arkansas (9,842 daily vs. 3,962 daily) and Louisiana (13,500 daily doses vs. 6,411 daily). Each of those two states have less than 38% of its populations fully vaccinated, according to CDC data.As of Friday morning, 49.5% of the US population was fully vaccinated, according to the CDC. The fully vaccinated figure was 57.9% for people eligible for inoculation — those ages 12 and up.
This CNN article then shoves an insane analogy in our faces.
Aerosols containing Covid-19 can travel as easily as the smoke from a cigarette, Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, said Friday.
“If you want to understand what an aerosol is, just think of somebody smoking,” Osterholm told CNN. “If you can smell a cigarette in the location you’re at, then you’re breathing someone else’s air that may have the virus in it.”
I wonder if you can smell someone’s cigarette through the mask?
I guess I’ll have to test that out.
Your Mommy Dearest
Before this virus hoax, it was generally accepted that people are allowed to make their own decisions, including doing things that might risk their life.
Motorcycle racing is legal in the United States. As is free solo rock climbing, a sport where basically everyone eventually dies.
And of course, swimming is more dangerous than the coronavirus, as any individual, regardless of age, is more likely to die by drowning in a swimming pool than they are to die of the coronavirus – according to their own statistics. (When you start talking about younger healthy people, you are up to 100 times more likely to drown in a swimming pool than die of the coronavirus.)
What’s more, the government actively encourages people to engage in behaviors that shorten their life. Most notably, the US government has completely refused to regulate the food industry, something which has led to rampant obesity, as corporations have figured out ways to make very cheap, very addictive food by ignoring health.
But the government really, really, really wants to protect you from the coronavirus, and they are willing to strip you of all of your basic civil rights in order to save you from this virus.
That was the logic of the lockdown and restrictions even before we had the vaxx.
Of course, they must understand how stupid this “I control you because I love you” rhetoric sounds, so they also say that the vaccine only works if everyone takes it. That still has not been explained – if it works, and it provides protection from the virus, a person should be able to be exposed to the virus after being vaxxed without any risk. That is what a vaccine is.
Now, they’re combining the “we have to decide for you to save you from your own choices” rhetoric with “by not getting vaxxed you are going to make other people’s vaccines stop working” rhetoric, and really just bouncing back and forth.
If it’s really a “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” as Joe Biden claims, then that should just be their choice. But now they’re moving away from that to say that the vaxxed are getting infected and dying, and it’s the fault of the unvaxxed.
Basically: this is all nonsense, and if you try to pinpoint some logical consistency in it, you’re just going to end up frustrated and confused.