Maria Van Kerkhove is the topline bitch at the WHO. As the COVID-19 lead scientist, she is considered Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus’ side piece. But many believe her to be his main squeeze.
Many consider them a power couple, like Jay-Z and Beyonce.

The Boss Ass Bad Bitch Van Kerkhove said Monday that they’re going to stop referring to all these virus variants by the name of the nation they came from and start referring to them by Greek letters.
This is good because it will prevent racism.
The labels for VOI/VOC are simple, easy to say & remember & are based on the Greek alphabet, a system that was chosen following wide consultation & a review of several potential systems.
?@WHO Virus Evolution Working Group @nextstrain @GISAID Pangolin groups & many others
— Maria Van Kerkhove (@mvankerkhove) May 31, 2021
No country should be stigmatized for detecting and reporting variants.
Globally, we need robust surveillance for variants, incl epi, molecular and sequencing to be carried out and shared. We need to continue to do all we can to reduce the spread of SARS-CoV-2 #COVID19 @WHO
— Maria Van Kerkhove (@mvankerkhove) May 31, 2021
— Maria Van Kerkhove (@mvankerkhove) May 31, 2021
In America, white supremacist black people have been attacking Asians on the street randomly because Donald Trump told them the lie that the Chinese invented the virus in a lab.
Oh sorry, actually, the evil Chinese did invent the virus in a lab, but uhhhh… Indians could soon be attacked by blacks, or rather, blacks possessed with the spirit of white supremacy, because the media keeps saying “Indian variant” over and over again.
The question is: isn’t changing all the names to Greek letters just going to cause the blacks to attack Greeks?