Colorado: Three People Allegedly Infected with Bird Flu as Farmers Kill Millions of Chickens

Is killing millions of chickens going to increase the cost of chickens, I wonder?

I also wonder: does shooting chickens up with hormones and antibiotics, which is legal in this retarded country, increase the likelihood of disease among chickens?


Colorado has reported three presumptive cases of H5 bird flu virus infection in poultry workers, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said on Friday.

The three people experienced mild symptoms, the CDC said in a statement. The infections occurred in workers who were culling infected animals at a poultry facility that was experiencing an outbreak of H5N1 bird flu, it said.

The symptoms included conjunctivitis, or pink eye, and common respiratory infection symptoms, Colorado officials said in a statement, adding that none of the people were hospitalized.

Their eyes were pink? Maybe they were just drunk?

I know if someone told me I had to murder millions of innocent chickens, I would want to be drunk.

State epidemiologists said the infections appear to have occurred through contact with infected poultry.

The CDC said it is sending a team to Colorado to support an investigation and that the risk to the general public remains low.

Human infections with H5N1 avian flu are concerning because of the potential to cause severe disease and possibly spark a pandemic if the virus were to change and acquire the ability to spread easily from person to person, the CDC said.

Yeah, I know. I know that. I fucking know this already, because you’ve told me fifty million fucking times that “there’s a new pandemic coming when the next virus mutates” and that you’re going to take everyone’s rights away and lock us in our homes and make us wear masks.

I know this already.

You don’t have to keep telling me this.