Communiqué from Terrorist Leader Giorgio

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 19, 2016


Here’s this.

Sam Hyde, a comedian who has devoted his life to mocking the Alt-Right through vicious satire of our core beliefs of racism, misogyny, hating faggots and so on is now being accused of being the leader of the Alt-Right by a filthy Buzzfeed Jew named Joe Bernstein.

What Hyde nor Buzzfeed have yet grasped is that the Alt-Right party is over. Which is something I’m thankful for, because I always thought that name was gay as all hell. No offense to the people who though it didn’t suck, but what was it supposed to be an alternative to? I get that it was an alternative to cuckservatism, but it sounds like it’s an alternative to the right-wing. Also, the word “alternative” implies lesbianism in my mind and probably most people’s minds.

You know what identifier doesn’t imply lesbianism?


That’s why I’ve joined the Republican party – to fight for a pure white America free of the Jew parasite and also free of implications of lesbianism.


I encourage you all to go to and sign-up to join the Republican party. Unless of course you live in one of those shitty countries that isn’t America, in which case you should probably start your own Republican party and begin advocating for white racial revolution in your own lands. If you’re having trouble, you can submit a form to the American Republican party and request that we invade your country, overthrow the government and put you in charge. (Note: These requests will be processed in the order they are submitted, and there is no guarantee you country will be invaded but probably it will be if you fill out the form correctly.)

Here’s the Atlantic piece Hyde discusses in the video.

These people cannot even begin to grasp the 4-D troll chess that the shill Hyde is playing. In fact, while trolling the Alt-Right and the liberal Jewish media at the same time, he seems to have the ultimate goal of using all of this to troll himself. A masochistic self-trolling.

Anyway, even though World Peace wasn’t that funny after they removed all of the swastikas and Neo-Nazism, I’m hoping it gets a second season just so Jews will keep writing these weird articles about it and people who still think Alt-Right is cool will be trolled into thinking the show is the official show of Neo-Nazism.

UPDATE: I just typed “alternative lifestyle” into Google images and you get three things: lesbians, people living in trailers in the woods and white people who converted to Buddhism. All pretty much the total opposite of a hostile racial revolution ideology.

UPDATE II: When you type just “alt-right” it’s even worse – you get a bunch of pictures of a Jewish homosexual. However, when you type “republican,” you get a bunch of versions of a sweet fascist logo featuring an elephant.
