Congo: UN Peacekeepers Appear to be at War with the Local Population – Several Dead

It’s starting to look like it might be time for the UN to totally pull out of Africa and just let the Chinese manage the Dark Continent.

When the UN peacekeepers start a war, it’s safe to say that the “peacekeeping” mission is probably beyond salvation.


Three United Nations (UN) peacekeepers and at least 12 civilians were killed during a second day of anti-UN protests in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo on Tuesday (July 27), authorities said.

The protests were spurred by complaints that the UN mission, known as MONUSCO, has failed to protect civilians against militia violence which has raged for years.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres condemned the violence, deputy UN spokesman Farhan Haq said in a statement, adding: “He underscores that any attack directed against United Nations peacekeepers may constitute a war crime and calls upon the Congolese authorities to investigate these incidents and swiftly bring those responsible to justice.”

Why doesn’t he just tell his guys to do their job in the first place?

Or they could just leave?

Why are they even there? UN peacekeepers have never done any peacekeeping, that I’m aware of. Usually, they just create worse chaos, and they are often just ratlines for bizarre intelligence operations.

Demonstrations began on Monday in the city of Goma and spread on Tuesday to Butembo, where a UN soldier and two UN police with the mission were shot dead, Mr Haq told reporters in New York.

In both cities UN peacekeeping troops were accused of retaliating with force as hundreds of protesters threw rocks and petrol bombs, vandalised and set fire to UN buildings.

A Reuters reporter saw UN peacekeepers shoot dead two protesters in Goma, where government spokesman Patrick Muyaya said at least five people were killed and 50 wounded.

In Butembo at least seven civilians were killed and an unknown number wounded, said the city’s police chief Paul Ngoma.

The assumption seems to be that the UN killed the 12 civilians in retaliation for 3 of their own getting killed.

So they go there to “keep the peace,” do nothing other than some weird corruption (including sex for food scandals, often with underage girls), get attacked, then shoot back at people who attack them.

The worst part is the UN guy calling it a “war crime.” What about the UN shooting randos? Wouldn’t that be a worse war crime?

World police is such a retarded idea.

If the DRC is having a policing problem, then you can either give them money for police (which will just be stolen), or you can just do nothing.

What is the goal of trying to make the DRC more peaceful? It’s just a charity program? It seems like on its face, a group of corrupt globalists saying “we’re going to send military personnel into your country, and they will have the power to act with impunity, and you can’t do anything about it” is a bad deal.

UN peacekeeping missions have been beset by accusations of abuse for years.

“Obviously if there’s any responsibility by UN forces for any of the injuries, or any of the deaths, we will follow up on that,” Mr Haq said.

UN forces were advised to use tear gas to disperse protesters and only fire warning shots if needed, he said.

The protests were called by a faction of the ruling party’s youth wing, which has demanded the UN mission withdraw over what it describes as its ineffectiveness.

Resurgent clashes between local troops and the M23 rebel group in eastern Congo in recent months have displaced thousands.

Attacks by militants linked to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria group have also continued despite a year-long state of emergency and joint operations against them by the Congolese and Ugandan armies.

Around 1% of Congo’s population are Moslems, and most of them aren’t even real Moslems, and that’s still more than enough for multiple Moslem terrorist groups to exist.

At least, that’s the case when the UN is operating in your country. It’s frankly just obvious that these “peacekeeping” missions are about arming terrorists.

They ship in all of these weapons and then they somehow “go missing.”

Maybe they’re just ultra-incompetent, but I mean. How do you just regularly “lose” enough weapons to “arm a small army”? If this is incompetence, it is absurd, dangerous incompetence.

We’re only hearing the Western side of the story here. It’s hard to find much at all about this in English online.

But the UN mission in DRC sure as hell looks like a criminal gang.

A lot of these people look like Arabs. Would anyone actually be surprised if the UN was sending in CIA-trained ISIS guys to create chaos in Africa, as a way to cause problems for the ongoing Chinese development projects in Africa?

I would not be surprised by that, and in fact, I would be surprised if that wasn’t happening.

“We have been doing our utmost, not just for years, but really for decades to try to bring stability to Eastern Congo,” said Mr Haq, adding that UN peacekeeping chief Jean-Pierre Lacroix is expected to travel to Congo as soon as he can.

MONUSCO took over from an earlier UN operation in 2010.

MONUSCO had more than 12,000 troops and 1,600 police deployed as of November 2021, and has been gradually withdrawing for years.

Protesters also stormed the houses of UN workers in Goma, spurring the mission to relocate its staff to camps.

Relocating UN workers to camps sounds like a pretty good idea to me, frankly.

Anne Frankly.

If you catch my drift, hombre.