Court Decision that Chimps are Not People Should Also Apply to Negroes

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
December 8, 2014

Attorney Steven Wise (probably a Jew), president of the Nonhuman Rights Project, was arguing that Tommy the chimp seen here, had been unlawfully imprisoned.

According to a mid level appeals court in Florida, a chimpanzee is not a person and is not entitled to basic legal rights, despite having some similarities to humans.

Presiding Justice Karen Peters declared in her decision: “Needless to say, unlike human beings, chimpanzees cannot bear any legal duties, submit to societal responsibilities or be held legally accountable for their action”

All of that could just as easily apply to Negroes and be demonstrated by taking a look at their recent behavior.

They clearly do not understand the purpose of the legal process as getting to the truth of a matter, but instead view it as being a means for revenge, as shown by their refusal to accept the lawful verdict in the Michael Brown case and before that, in the Trayvon case. They have no tradition of having any systems of law and at no point in history have they ever shown the ability to dispense justice, or even shown that they have a basic sense of conscience.

They have no societal responsibilities whatsoever, being incapable of forming a society that functions at a level beyond that of a troop of chimpanzees, where the biggest chimp rules the roost and does whatever he likes to the weaker ones.

Just like chimpanzees they drop their waste wherever they are with no thought for how that will build up over time. If they are alright now, then why would they care about anyone else or what happens in the future? There are plenty of examples of them robbing White good Samaritans that have stopped to help them, with no thought for how that will prevent other Blacks from being helped when they need it. They have no interest in adopting the unwanted infants of other Negroes and are the race that donates the least organs and blood for transplant, yet has the most need of them.

Societal responsibility is just not something they understand.


The whole point of their recent ‘protests’ has been that they do not think that they should be held legally accountable for their actions. If they want to resist arrest, then White police should just stand back and let them do so, if they want to steal an officer’s gun, then the officer should just hand it over to them. Instead of realizing that they have a huge problem with criminality by the massive discrepancy between White and Black arrests, they want to make it a law that the police cannot arrest them. If a witness to a crime says the criminal was Black, then they want the police to go and arrest someone White, because it would be ‘racial profiling’ to arrest someone that actually fit the description given of the criminal.

They obviously do not think they should be held legally accountable for their actions and there really is nothing they have ever done that says that they should be. It is through projecting our own humanity onto them that we have deceived ourselves into thinking that they should be treated as human beings.

A human being is someone who shows humane traits, like kindness, mercy, pity and benevolence. Never in the entire history of the world has the Negro race ever shown any of those traits, yet we have mistakenly conferred upon him the same legal rights that we have earned for ourselves.

Even the decision from the court makes the point that legal rights only apply to human beings, yet Negroes as a race have never shown any humanity ever.

“In our view, it is this incapability to bear any legal responsibilities and societal duties that renders it inappropriate to confer upon chimpanzees the legal rights — such as the fundamental right to liberty protected by the writ of habeas corpus — that have been afforded to human beings,” the judge ruling on the chimp case wrote.

Giving the Negro liberty in our societies has given him the liberty to behave like an animal, yet be treated as a human being. Even he knows that this is not right and constantly agitates to have the responsibility of being human removed from him. It has done him no good at all and been disastrous for us, we are now in more danger in our own homelands, than if we were in a war zone.

Giving the Negro the rights and responsibilities of a human is about as logical as doing the same for a chimpanzee.