CPAC: Nick Fuentes Confronts Ginormous Republican Tranny Lady MAGA

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 28, 2020

Donald Trump recently announced that “MAGA” stands for “Men’s Anuses Gaping Aggressively,” but Nick Fuentes is not tolerating it.

In the lobby of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) festival, which is taking place in Washington, D.C. this week, Nick confronted the brutal tranny “Lady MAGA,” who has served as the key representative of rising Republican analism. The ginormous homosexual fiend towered over Nick, but Nick stood his ground and told the creature that America is a Christian nation and we refuse to tolerate homosexualism.

The tranny made all of the same arguments that homosexuals made to Democrats in the 1990s, saying “oh no, we don’t want to push out families, we just want a right to exist, we are just normal people, we support your families, but we just only believe we should be left alone to our anuses.”

Remember: in the 1990s, no non-homosexuals supported homosexuals, other than a small cult of women. So they had to do all of these entryist arguments in order to get involved in the Democrat Party. And then when they were in, they started saying “oh well, we are going to need access to your children, and if you don’t give us access to your children, that is hatred.”

And then, Bob’s your uncle, you’ve got this:

Homosexuals in demon costumes grinding against your toddlers on the floor of the public library, while you sit by and say “I guess the revulsion I am feeling right now must be internalized white supremacy, because a homosexual man dressed up like a demon rubbing his penis against a toddler is true love and if I take issue with this I’m no better than the Nazis who forced all those Jews to climb trees and pretend to be roosters until they fell out of the trees.”

The fact that everyone at CPAC is not rioting like Arabs against the inclusion of trannies in their event shows just how totally doomed America actually is.

Because I don’t know about you, but if I went to a conservative Christian event and there were homosexuals and trannies there, my first instinct would be to start an Arab-style riot.

But conservatives no longer have any idea what they even stand for, which is why Donald Trump is able to get up there and say “the main thing we need to do is stop socialism,” which is a totally meaningless statement.

There are two possible options:

  1. Conservative Christians simply have no leaders, so they don’t understand what it is they’re supposed to be supporting, or
  2. Conservative Christians have been so influenced by secular culture that they no longer care about anything and are fine with their children being molested by trannies

If it’s the first one, then the only thing preventing us from righting this ship is the mass censorship we’re suffering.

If it’s the second one, then basically, we’re doomed, at least until boomers die off.

The fact that everyone at CPAC didn’t rally around Nick and start an Arab-style riot when he was confronting the massive tranny indicates that the problem is the second thing.

Here’s another speech Nick gave this weekend, appearing after the event he attended with Alex Jones at National File.

At this speech:

Nick: “What we’re doing is inevitable. America First is inevitable. It’s unstoppable.”

*Crowd Cheers

Nick: “And the reason why is because, it’s not cool to shill for big business.”

*Crowd cheers

Nick: “It’s not cool to shill for Israel!”

*Crowd cheers even louder

Nick: “It’s not cool to shill for transexuals and homosexuals!”

*Bigger cheers


*Crowd goes wild

Good energy, that Fuentes kid.

Takes me back to an era before the tranny invasion.

By the way, I think you need to be aware of the fact that Alex Jones now identifies as a Groyper.