Crazy Right Wing Christian Stan Solomon: Trayvon Martin’s a Thug That Deserves To Be Dead

Huffington Post
September 1, 2013

Dan Savage has certainly sparked his share of conservative ire over the years, but now, a right wing talk show host has gone even further by calling for the controversial lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights activist’s death.

As Right Wing Watch first reported, Stan Solomon made the shocking plea as part of a special “Race in America” program to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington this week.

Calling Savage a “faggot” and a “horrible, awful, terrible excuse for a human being,” Solomon noted, “I hope he dies — he probably will — of every disease known.”

He then added, “By the way, I’m sending him a fire hydrant for his birthday, I’m hoping he’ll sit on it; he’ll slide all the way down to the ground.”

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