Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 29, 2015

Jeb Bush (also known as El Jebo/cuckservative) is finally opening up and speaking frankly about the feelings that The Donald (also known as the New Hitler/New Bane) made him feel.
Many can feel for him, especially if they are married to a Mexican troll and have ratlike criminal children.
“We are very Hispanic in the sense that we speak Spanish at home,” the former Florida governor said in a Spanish-language interview with Telemundo. “Columba is very Mexican. She is proud of her U.S. citizenship naturally, but we eat Mexican food at home. Our children are Hispanic in many aspects, and we don’t talk about that. But yes, the Hispanic influence in my family is something quite important in my life.”
Bush’s comments came in his first full Spanish-language interview on the 2016 presidential campaign trail. He sat down with Telemundo’s José Díaz-Balart for a wide-ranging discussion Tuesday that was previewed on the channel that evening, but will be aired in full on Sunday.
The interview comes as real estate mogul Donald Trump has soared to the lead in a number of national polls after attacking undocumented Mexican immigrants as “rapists” and criminals — remarks that many on both the left and the right have called offensive and wrong.
Yes, we are all staggered by both the left and right calling a factually accurate statement, applauded by the majority of Whites in this country, “offensive and wrong.”
But I’m sure Jeb was even more staggered hearing it, given that it exposes he himself as a collaborator with invading rapists.
Bush said of Trump’s remarks, “I was hurt, hearing someone speaking in such a vulgar fashion,” adding that the remarks “hurt millions of people that are here legally.”
I am so sorry, Jeb.
So, so sorry you felt hurt.
I can’t imagine what it feels like to feel that feeling.
Clearly, what America needs now is a President who is not afraid to admit when a Bane-like figure such as Trump hurts their feelings with words.

After all, Bush’s own son has been discriminated against for being a criminal Mexican.
The former Florida governor then went on to discuss discrimination targeted at Hispanics, mentioning “a time when my son went to Ocala,” a city in central Florida around 80 miles northwest of Orlando, “to play baseball, a game on a team. And the team was a Miami team. The majority were Hispanics. My son George, he’s dark-skinned. And they spoke horrible things about those from Miami.”
“[N]aturally, I had to explain or describe that people who hate are not the majority, and we must accept them and move forward,” Bush said.
Bush added that his son was “quite upset” because “in Miami, we don’t have a problem. But in other parts of the country it [discrimination] exists.”
“It’s a good lesson to learn, to always remember that we still don’t have a country that’s full justice for all,” Bush said. “We can see this in the African-American communities also. There’s discrimination still. And in my life, it’s important to acknowledge this, and to act about that. Yes.”
Good God, now he’s talking about racism against Blacks?

This is almost too much. Does he not know that everyone is calling him a cuckservative? Why does he not try to do some damage control? Does he really think White Christians want the Mexican Obama for President?
If he doesn’t actually think that, then he is clearly trying to lose on purpose. Is that not violating some law?
Someone needs to look this up:
Is Jeb Bush violating some law by attempting to secure the Republican nomination with the intention of losing the election?
I don’t really see how that could be legal. It must qualify as some form of fraud.
Telemundo’s Balart finished Bush’s sentence by saying, “And act on it, but how?”
Bush responded by touting the diversity of judges and administrative employees he appointed and hired while governor. “I had the greatest diversity of any other governor, and [I will] always be aware of the diversity of the state of Florida as well as the country. It’s a virtue, it’s something positive. It should not divide us, but we should respect and embrace diversity so that we can have better results.”
“‘Cuckservative,’ you say? I’ll see your ‘illegal immigration is an act of love,’ and raise you ‘diversity is a virtue.'”
Bush flaunted the fact that he “won more Hispanic votes than Anglo votes” in his 2002 re-election campaign and said that a Republican can carry the Latino vote.
“It can be done,” Bush said. “It can be done, based on a more positive message that respects people. This can be changed.”
“It can be done. I can transfer the wealth of Whites to a foreign people.”
This is incredible.
The sheer nerve of this faggot.
We want to make America great again, Jeb – we don’t want to make it browner!