Cuckservative Erick Erickson Takes a Swipe at Those Identifying Him as a Cuckold

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 30, 2015

Tensions continue to mount in these tubes, as White people revolt against the “conservative” establishment which is trying to cuckold them.

After having been one of the first to be outraged at being identified as a cuckservative, the fat slob and Jew-worshipper Erick Erickson has entered the ring for another round with the evil racists who think White people should have their own countries.

For those who don’t know, Erickson is a fake conservative blogger and often fills in for Rush Limbaugh when Rush is too high on pills to do his show (perhaps having an erection which has lasted more than 4 hours).

He has written an article entitled ““Cuckservative” is a Racist Slur and an Attack on Evangelical Christians”on his blog, Red State, to inform the stupid masses of confused White Americans who (apparently) care what he has to say that people using the term and hashtag #cuckservative are evil racists who hate Christianity.

He begins by claiming that Milo Yiannopoulos, who wrote an article for Breitbart about the assault on the cuckolds, is lying when he says it isn’t a racist term.

It obviously is racist, of course, but Milo wasn’t explicitly saying that it isn’t. He was just saying that it was ridiculous for “conservatives” to start attacking dissatisfied right-wing people as “racists.” Which is obviously true. Note: Milo is only able to get away with saying these things in a mainstream publication like Breitbart because he is a homosexual Jew (he also seems to genuinely dislike most of the things we dislike, for whatever that’s worth).

Erickson is simply outraged that Breitbart would support this racist conspiracy.

He writes:

Despite the white washing by (pun intended), the phrase “cuckservative” is a racist slur. It is used by racists in support of a racialist agenda. The people who use it are not opposed to illegal immigration, but are opposed to immigration in general. They are opposed to evangelical Christians who support interracial adoption. They are opposed to anyone who does not think in terms of the white race.

They hate Rush Limbaugh. They hate conservatives. They hate actual, practicing Christians. They claim they are conservatives and Christians and they are not.

Whoa, whoa, whoa – easy there, chest-neck.

I believe that we here at the Daily Stormer do represent the average users of the term “cuckservative,” and we are most certainly “conservatives,” though I am not exactly sure I feel comfortable using that word any more.

I am also, though not particularly religious, a Christian, as is much of this site’s readership.

Regrettably, Erickson does not even attempt to define what he means by either “conservative” or “Christian,” which makes it impossible for him to honestly argue that we don’t meet this definition.

I’ll go ahead and help him out.

Bullet-point of the values I would describe as representing “conservative Christian Americanism” :

  • Traditional view of sex, homos and trannies should be treated as mentally ill or criminal
  • Gun rights
  • Freedom of speech
  • Racial segregation
  • Christian/traditional European values taught in school
  • An economy which serves the interests of the American people before the interests of multinational corporations and third-world countries
  • Anti-immigration
  • Anti-feminist
  • Pro-family
  • America first

The difference between us and cuckservatives is that we actually believe in these things unconditionally.

Erickson’s argument that traditional Christianity isn’t racist is completely false. Never in history, before the modern evangelical era, have White Christians viewed it as appropriate or okay for people to marry outside of their race. And many Christians still don’t believe this is okay, despite being bullied for decades to accept it by conmen like Erickson.

Erickson closes by saying we are only a small bunch of extremists and should be ignored. He says this in a damage-control article he is writing about us.

This is a passing fad of probably less than 100 people who, between them, share a few hundred lightly followed twitter accounts. But they have done a good, coordinated job of amplifying it. And I wish had not tried to legitimize what is victim-based racism.

I didn’t know what “victim-based racism” was, so I Googled it.

I got four results, the first of which was Erickson’s post, the fourth of which was a repost of Erickson’s post.


Generally, when you coin new terms, you are supposed to explain what they mean. Erickson, apparently, does not feel obligated to do so.

If I had to guess what he means, I’d say that he is saying we are “playing the victim” by pointing out that every single racial group is being promoted above us, in our own country, at our own expense.

We are not “playing the victim” however – we objectively are the victim.

And we are not simply the victim of “liberals.” Not even simply the victim of Jews. We are the victims of a vicious group of pudgy sycophants who claim to represent our interests while ceaselessly pandering to the interests of everyone except us.

We are victims of cuckservatism, and we are demanding that these traitors who claim to represent us are stripped of their positions and replaced with men who actually do represent our interests. And these interests are racial. White people do exist. We are a racial group, and we have the right, given to us by God, to promote our collective interests.

Erickson’s article is a desperate, scumbag attempt to appeal to people’s most sacred beliefs in order to save his own sinking ship of complete failure. He is obviously trying to introduce a narrative for other cuckolds to use to defend themselves from the imminent purge.

No dice, fatboy.

It might have worked a decade ago for you cucks to hide behind Jesus, but at this point, when the cuck GOP has caved not only on race and immigration but on homosexualist marriage, abortion, guns and just about everything else you can think of, it’s just not flying.

There is a GOP-led congress at a time when Obama is pushing the most brutal anti-American agenda anyone could ever imagine. The GOP didn’t defend us on immigration, they didn’t defend us on Obamacare, they didn’t defend us on this HUD housing scandal, they didn’t defend us on gay “marriage” – and they openly supported Obamatrade.

In short, they cucked us.

And the backlash is here.

Our moment has come.

The revolution is now.