Daily Stormer
July 2, 2015

The Eastern European revolt continues.
The accepting of migrants largely facilitates Islamic State’s (IS) expansion to Europe, Czech President Miloš Zeman said in an interview with Parlamentni listy.cz server, adding that all UN Security Council standing members must be persuaded of the need to intervene against IS.
Zeman has long been pushing for a military action against IS. He has also supported the Facebook initiative We Do not Want Islam in the Czech Republic.
“If European countries accept a wave of migrants, there will be terrorist groups among them, of which also a Libyan minister has warned. By accepting the migrants, we strongly facilitate Islamic State’s expansion to Europe,” Zeman said.
Thousands of refugees from Libya, where militant Islamist groups operate, some of which have promised loyalty to Islamic State, have been heading for Europe across the Mediterranean over the past weeks.
Zeman has repeatedly warned of accepting refugees from the Middle East and Africa by the CzechRepublic.
Zeman said IS is an organization with many branches that have already more or less got control of Libya, and they partially dominate Afghanistan, Iraq, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Somalia, Syria and Yemen, too.
With terrorist attacks like those in Tunisia and Kuwait on Friday, IS branches are preparing for getting control of other countries, Zeman said.
This is clearly just an obvious fact, and Zeman may or may not actually care about it, and instead merely feel pressure from the people. But anyone saying this publicly is a step in the correct direction.