D.C. March Group Report: Alt-Right Protestors Clash with Kike Shock Troops in First Battle of Lafayette Square

Daily Stormer
April 10, 2017

Reports of Richard Spencer being punched again at this event are entirely untrue.

On Friday, April 7th, the night after God-Emperor Trump succumbed to the trickster (((Jared Kushner))) and his Israeli induced missile strike on Syria, Richard Spencer called to action the Alt-Right for an anti-war protest outside of the White House. While most of us were drowning in black pills or theorizing far-fetched 4D chess scenarios, Spencer took to the streets and encouraged anyone who was anti-war to stand by his side.

Upon reaching the site of the protest, antifa nigger-in-chief Daryle Jenkins and a coterie of subhumans were already there filming the protest while demonstrating their support for the Pro-War (((globalist))) agenda. Not even five minutes after Richard had told a group of school children on a field trip, “tell your mommies and daddies: no more neo-con wars,” the antifa faggots arrived and began their autistic screeching as they marched across the lawn.

Mike Enoch of TheRightStuff.biz led the intellectually diverse crowd in chants such as: “We want walls, not wars!” and “anti-white,” as well as urging the revolting antifa mob to “Take a shower!”

Having a good amount of experience with Antifa in NYC and Philly, the one important difference that I noticed in D.C. was the higher proportion of white trust fund children. They were particularly nonplussed by when Enoch began chanting “Trust fund commies off our streets,” and earnestly offered up such winning clichés as: “Communism has never been tried.”

After protesting the kikeification of Trump’s foreign policy advisors, the police started to escort us away as antifa followed while screaming “Fuck the police.”

Soon after we had started to leave, a faggot decided to blow up a glitter bomb in the face of Richard and his bodyguards. Yours truly gave the faggot a left hook and tackled him to the ground in hopes the police would grab him up; instead, he was able to flee within the chaos, and I also kept moving to avoid arrest. I truly hope that the degenerate is okay, so we can see each other again next time he decides he wants to sprinkle fairy dust.

The MSM couldn’t quite wrap its head around the EEEVIL NAAAHTZZIIS actually striking the most reasonable anti-war stance.


Spencer has long been an outspoken supporter of Trump and his policies, including building a wall on the southern border and banning refugees from entering the country. But his decision to lead a handful of protesters to speak out against the strike has been emblematic of the split between Trump and some of his most ardent and far-right supporters.

Spencer and his supporters also seemed to be focusing much of their attention against Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump’s husband and one of the president’s closest advisors.


If the alt-right’s core ethos could be reduced to a single maxim, it would be this: to each his own. This is the attitude that undergirds the support for racial and cultural separation and white nationalism that the movement is most closely associated with.

Richard Spencer, whose support for Trump has dimmed as Trump’s stances on immigration have, according to Spencer’s harsh measure, softened, issued what is perhaps his most forceful rebuke of the president so far in a video titled “The Trump Betrayal.” “I have to be brutally honest,” he said. “I am deeply disappointed in Donald Trump. I’m shocked, and I’m angry. And I am ready to condemn Donald Trump.” He was far from alone.

Some of the far right’s opposition to Middle East intervention was driven by anti-Semitic theories about the role of shadowy Jewish globalists in setting American foreign policy. But overall, the stance of what would become the alt-right on the Iraq war, nation-building, and interventionist foreign policy was motivated by opposition to the idea that Western-style democracy could be delivered by force to people seen as backwards—and also by the desire, voiced by Brimelow, to see resources devoted to making the country whiter and more prosperous. “Does anyone want to consider what our aims are in all this?” Spencer asked of the Iraq war in 2008.

Regardless of who wins the battle between Bannon the bulldog and Kushner the kike, everyone will know the Alt-Right were the only ones supporting peace.

The cops were slowly leaving when Richard and his Brown Shirts snuck out from the crowd to try for a taxi. We quickly found one driven by a Paki, while the antifa found us and surrounded the vehicle. The poo-in-loo didn’t know what to do, as we screamed for him to drive if he wanted to live. Instead, he made his people proud and abandoned the vehicle while Richard and his bodyguards had to evacuate the vehicle straight into a crowd of violent commie rabble. The police quickly arrested some of them; however, instead of guiding us to safety, they merely told us to keep moving.

We ran down the street, searching for a new cab. In an exemplary display of the merits of diversity, every Paki driver refused to accept Richard’s fare, whilst a horde of antifa chased us on bikes and on foot. We ran across the Washington Monument’s lawn — beseeching the cops to do their job and maintain order — but seeing as they were a bunch of colored beneficiaries of affirmative action hiring, they decided that doing their job was not on the agenda and simply ordered us to continue running. Eventually, after what seemed to be a mile or two of running to safety, we split into two different cabs.

Post-protest we rendezvoused for an Alt-Right party where we swapped stories, drank milk, and hailed Bannon. All paths lead to total Aryan Victory regardless of the outcome with Trump in Syria, and at some point we need to take our destiny into our own hands.

I am talking more about this on episode 26 of Caerulus Rex’s Salting the Earth – live now as of the time of this publication.

[Editor’s note: this is an excellent comprehensive ground report from a local Stormer Book Club member. Hope to see more of these on the BBS.]