Dastardly Tranny Thief Steals Millions of People’s Identities!

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
August 3, 2019

This is one of the more interesting heists of the modern age. Say what you will, but money was not the object of this dastardly criminal mastermind – which I respect.

Criminals of this sort are a rare breed. But Clown World clearly brings out the best in some people.

Toronto Sun:

The troubled transgender hacker who allegedly stole the Capital One data of 100 million customers mused online about killing herself.

Seattle-based former Amazon engineer Paige Thompson, 33, was arrested for breaking into the bank’s systems to steal a treasure trove of data.

But Thompson left investigators a trail.

She even boasted online about her caper that took place between March and July.

So far, her motives are a mystery and Capital One claims they don’t believe Thompson was after money. 

The answer is so simple that it’s staring us right in the face. He/she was after people’s identities. The gender dysphoria was so severe, it morphed into a full-on identity mass stealing spree.

And this is only a precursor of what is to come.

Soon, some trans-person will be able to come right up to you and say, “I identify as you, bigot!” It’ll be an even more warped and clownish version of the premise of that Nicholas Cage film where people are stealing each other’s faces and sewing them on their own heads.

There will also be no defense against this.

No one’s identity is sacrosanct. People will be called Identity Nazis who object to randos suddenly dressing like them, accessing their credit card and fucking their fat wives.

Society will become a pure cacophony with people no longer content to change their genders but to change the person who they are… entirely.

Companies will provide face transplants and Big Tech will auction off people’s private info to the highest bidder so that people can more accurately imitate the behavior of their target and use that information to manipulate loved ones into accepting strangers wearing the skins of their former husbands and wives.