David Duke was Donald Trump Before Donald Trump was Donald Trump!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 14, 2016

This is why we need David Duke in Congress.

He was Donald Trump before there was a Donald Trump.

Trump, God Bless him, has just taken the Duke platform and presented it at a time when more people were ready to accept it.

Well, more people are ready to accept Duke himself as well, and now is the time.

As we reported yesterday, Dr. Duke is considering a run for Congress.

I’ve personally pushed him as hard as I possibly can to do this. And I believe it is going to happen.

You all need to get ready for this. We are going to need boots on the ground, we are going to need memes, we are going to need an army of trolls to invade the MSM comments sections and proclaim the GLORY of the DUKE which is to come!

Trump has given us rocket ship like propulsion, and David Duke is about to kick it into warp drive.

This is more than we ever could have asked for.

We have the documents and we’re about to blow the lid off the Jew World Order once and for all.

Hail Victory.