Dear NATO: Do You Really Think You’re Going to Win a War Against a Country Where Stuff Like This is Happening?

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 6, 2017

This 79-year-old woman gets pulled around in a chariot pulled by Giant Schnauzers.

Do you really want to go to war with a country where stuff like this is happening?

It’s a serious question, NATO.

Which I seriously think you should be asking yourself.

Just as a reminder, this is the sort of thing that is happening in your military:

Just, I mean… think about that.

‘I feel safe beeing always close to them,’ explains 79yo dog lover from Kazakhstan. Two Giant Schnauzers, Rachel and Bony, were previously used for police service.

(The woman is ethnically Russian and unlike the crybabies of the Ukraine, the good-natured Genghis-Gooks of Kazakhstan like the fact that they are still effectively a part of the USSR. They in fact credit the Russians with giving them civilization.)