They were calling Starmer “The Starm,” and they quickly then started calling him “The Barn.”
Shockingly, people started calling him “Starmwit,” and then “I thought Starmwit was the sparkle in your eye, but it was a mosquito that got stuck there in your eye water.”
Alternatively, he’s been called “Mooseface,” and people have said he should be exiled to Canada to be hunted by mounties on the frozen tundra.
More than a million people have signed an online petition calling for a new general election in the UK, just months after Prime Minister Keir Starmer came to power in an historic landslide for the Labour Party.
Filed on Wednesday, the petition accuses Starmer and Labour of going “back on the promises they laid out in the lead up to the last election,” and calls on Parliament to debate a re-run of the vote. As of Sunday afternoon, it has attracted more than a million signatures, adding around 2,000 new signatures per minute.
Petitions reaching 100,000 signatures must be debated by Parliament, unless “the issue has already been debated recently or there’s a debate scheduled for the near future,” according to the government’s petition site.
The Labour Party holds a 163-seat majority, meaning the chances of any debate ending in a vote of no confidence or a new election are low. However, Starmer will still have to sit and listen as his performance to date is discussed.
This is democracy in action.
People don’t like the government. No one likes democracy governments unless they are ultra-wealthy or totally brain-rotted by TV and social media lies.
When was the last time the UK had a popular government? What is the difference between the two parties? What happened to Jeremy Corbyn?
This is what a democracy does: it funnels all dissent into the allowed channel of voting and demanding more voting. Voting does not affect the behavior of the government. Democracy retards will say “well politicians will follow the people’s wishes because they want to get reelected!” Firstly, retard, that is obviously false. Secondly, the logic doesn’t even make sense: why should they want to get reelected, when they have the option of going into the private sector or being appointed in some other government job?
Democracy politicians are the lowest filth. You could replace these people with only taxi drivers and street hookers and the government would become 6 trillion times more moral.
Any good man who joins the government ends up quitting or going to prison on trumped-up nonsense. Or their helicopter crashes. Democracy forces a control where totally amoral and in fact immoral people rise to the top and operate as a criminal gang.
You’re not going to change democracy by voting. Either democracies have to collapse due to foreign overreach, or people in democracies have to do something other than voting.