Deranged Negroid Monster Rapes Three Old Ladies, Kills one

Daily Stormer
May 5, 2017

What is it about old ladies that Black rapists love? I guess they move slower, so it’s less effort for these worthless animals. How lazy do you have to be?

The Sacramento Bee:

Neven Butler, 18, appeared in Sacramento Superior Court Monday for arraignment on charges he murdered and attempted to rape an 86-year-old woman who was taking an early morning exercise walk last week on the track of Highlands High School.

Butler wore a quilted green smock intended to prevent him from attempting suicide. His attorney said he has “significant” mental issues.

It was his second appearance in court in the past few days. On Friday, he was charged in a separate assault on a 92-year-old that occurred just hours after Fusako Petrus was sexually assaulted and beaten to death on the high school track where she had been walking with a 61-year-old friend. Authorities allege that Butler attacked the younger woman first, and turned on Petrus when she came to help fend him off with her walking stick.

In the gallery, longtime friends of Petrus attended the hearing to take in the charges. Outside, they shared their memories of the “quiet, simple, happy woman,” in the words of one friend, who they thought would outlive them all.

Butler also faces two counts of attempted rape in the Wednesday assault on the Highlands High School track, where friends said Petrus had walked for years.

Butler is being held without bail at Sacramento County Main Jail. His next hearing date is set for June 8.