Diabolical and Sadistic Homosexual Stoltenberg Says Terrorist Rampage in Kursk a “Legitimate Form of Self-Defense”

But… they are not attacking a military target? And there is no strategic purpose?


Ukraine’s incursion into Russia’s Kursk region is legitimate and covered by Kyiv’s right to self-defence, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg told German weekly Welt am Sonntag in his first reaction to the advance into Russian territory.

Ukraine has a right to defend itself. And according to international law, this right does not stop at the border,” Stoltenberg told the paper, adding that NATO had not been informed about Ukraine’s plans beforehand and did not play a role in them.

The NATO chief said Ukraine was running a risk with the advance onto Russian territory but that it was up to Kyiv how to conduct its military campaign.

Does anyone think it makes sense that if US/NATO is paying for all of the weapons, providing all of the training, backing the war in every possible way, that the decisions would be left up to Kiev?

This is like if a football player goes onto the field and starts gunning down players on the opposing team with a MAC-10, and the coach and team owners say “it’s up to the players how they play the game.”

The Ukrainians are doing a terrorist campaign. That’s what this is.

There is no military purpose. They originally said that it was about trying to force Russia to remove troops from the frontlines in the Donbass, but that has not happened at all and therefore the Ukrainians should have retreated. Instead, they are continuing on with this and they are now claiming it is about “setting the stage for negotiations,” even though there is obviously no way Russia is going to negotiate before killing all of these troops.

This is the most bizarre thing any military has ever done in recorded history, and it is only possible because this is a totally new kind of war, where an entire country is fighting on behalf of a foreign country, not for the purpose of trying to win a war, but simply to try and harm the other side as much as possible before they all end up dead.