Dinosaur Puppet Chick RUINS Career of Air Force Colonel

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
April 19, 2018

The poor guy. I mean, let’s be real. He should have clocked this chick right in the mouth for pulling this stunt.

But, like, I get the context of what’s happening here. Women and non-Whites are sacred cows and White men just gotta grit their teeth and bear their bullshit. This goes for the army, the workplace, public square, etc.

So I get why the colonel didn’t do anything.

But now he’s being fired anyway, and it’s just like, bruh – you can’t win no matter what you do. Just gotta pray that you’re never put in this Catch-22 situation.

Daily Caller:

An Air Force colonel has been demoted and retired after recently allowing a senior non-commissioned officer to take her oath of re-enlistment with a dinosaur puppet on her right hand.

Just…let that sentence sink in. That’s pretty funny, heh.

But I’m starting to get sick of clown world humor tbh.

Master Sgt. Robin Brown, the SNCO who was taking the oath, is facing administrative action in addition to losing her full-time position at the Tennessee Joint Public Affairs Office, according to the Air Force Times.

A third SNCO, who allegedly recorded the event for Brown’s children to watch later, has also been reprimanded and removed from his post as unit first sergeant, but will remain with the Air National Guard.

And the chick?

Well, at least she got in trouble too. So that’s some consolation for the man whose career she ruined, I guess.

Women belong in segregated units in a support capacity to men – at the very most. But you can’t get away with saying that anymore.

On a personal note, I used to box with Army ROTC guys in college. We had an ugly, tatted up, and muscle-bound dyke who would practice with us. I had to spar her more than once AND I had to spar her lesbian friends who she would bring occasionally.

Unsurprisingly, I absolutely dominated her and all her lovers.

Shit, even the chink soyboy exchange student beat her handily. And she absolutely hated us for it.

She would go on to join the Army as an officer – and she took all her man-hating, rap-loving, gender-queer, anti-White nonsense with her into the Army.

Every time I see these butch female officers, I think of her and I shudder.

God save any White man cursed with having to take orders from these crazy women.