Don Jr. Offers Signed MAGA Hat to Teen Assaulted by Swarthy Spic

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
July 8, 2018

If this man is trying to win over my heart for a potential future presidential run…well, he’s succeeding.

A quick reminder. A savage spic who I mistook for being a totally civilized spic hipster assaulted a teenager with a MAGA hat and stole it.

This disgusting invader has not yet been deported to the bottom of the Mexican gulf at the time of this writing.

There are rumors swirling that Don Jr. is also planning to form a posse to hunt down this man and his entire family as we speak.

If Donald Trump is the emissary of light, then Don Jr. is the agent of darkness. Working in the shadows, doing what needs to be done. The hero that America needs, but is too afraid to admit it.

Born into wealth and always in the shadow of his father, Don saw the dark side of power, wealth and fame.

One day, his father took him to the side at a fancy cocktail dinner with the Clintons, bent down on one knee and told him, “there will come a time when I won’t be able to MAGA anymore.”

“Father, what do you mean?” Don Jr. replied.

“I know you and I haven’t always gotten along…ever since your mother…”

Don turned and bit his lip, filled with resentment and guilt.

“Hey, look here son” his father firmly said. “One day, it will be you. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

“No dad, I don’t and why are you saying these things?” Don Jr. began to whine.

“Listen, hey, just listen.” His father reassured him. “There will come a time when America will need a different kind of hero. One that can do what needs to be done. Plunge his hands into the filth so that the SWPLs can keep theirs clean. After my time has passed, yours will come. You’ll have all my wealth, my name, my connections… And you’ve got the will to do what needs to be done, what I can’t do…do you understand me?”

“I – I think so,” Don Jr. murmured.

“Good,” his father concluded. The serious and fatherly look on his face faded as he rearranged the goofy grin on his face and reassumed the arrogant playboy look he had spent hours practicing in the mirror.

“The Clintons will start wondering where I am, I need to get going,” his father said. “Can’t have them start suspecting…”

“I wish you didn’t have to…you know…pretend all the time.” Don Jr. began to complain.

His father looked at him intently and sighed.

“I know, son. But the one thing I wish for more than anything else in the world is that one day…you won’t have to.

Don Jr never forgot that day. And he never forgot the mission entrusted to him by his father. To pick up the MAGA baton and finish the relay across the harshest and most difficult terrain to come.

He waits on Twitter, biding his time, building his followers and seeking out enemies to dole out righteous judgment upon when the day comes.