Dr. Duke & Andrew Anglin on Polar Bear Supremacism and Trolling the Jewish Establishment

David Duke
May 29, 2016


Dr. Duke had Andrew Anglin, the publisher of the Daily Stormer, as his guest for the hour. The talked about the Washington Post article that polar bears are facing a crisis as a species from male grizzly bears coming into polar bear territory and mating with polar bear females. Mr. Anglin jokingly spoke of “white bear supremacists,” but scientists point out that the mixed offspring are poorly adapted for the polar environment and that polar bears could be mixed bread out of existence.

They then went on to talk about the on-going movement of millennials away from Hillary and towards Trump. They also talked about Mr. Anglin’s unorthodox but successful methods of subverting the Jewish cultural narrative, such as over-the-top worship of Taylor Swift as an Aryan Nazi goddess and adopting Bane, the villain of the Batman movie, as a heroic icon.

This is a fun and fascinating show. Please spread it widely.
