Ebonics Translation: Gangsta Vybes by Finesse2tymes

In order to create cross-cultural understanding, we are trying to translate a wide range of rap music songs from ebonics to English, so that white people can better understand black culture. It is our view that whites do not have a solid grasp on black culture, and we believe that much can be understood by looking at the music that dominates that culture. We are focusing on popular songs in the black community, based on YouTube view count (most blacks listen to music on YouTube, because it is free).

Unlike many rap songs, which do not have a theme and are instead just a series of unconnected statements, today’s translation, Gangsta Vybes by Finesse2tymes, focuses on the theme of being released from prison. The song also contains many unconnected statements, but is primarily about the second time he was released from prison. He did six years from 2010 to 2016 for aggravated armed robbery, and then after a shooting, pled guilty to being a felon in possession of a firearm, and was in from 2018 to 2022. This song was released earlier this year, but was likely recorded shortly after his return to the studio.

Enjoy 2tymes while you can, because in all likelihood, he will soon be returning to prison.

English translation of “Gangsta Vybes” follows.

My companions and I are career criminals involved in falsehood and betrayal
Disingenuous people pollute the community with poor behavior
Whenever anyone shoots a gun off in the neighborhood, people film it with their phone
Poor people are fastidious about benign issues, just as my mother alleged
I should have taken that advice

Three days prior, I discovered that a youthful companion of mine was cooperating with federal authorities
Despite the fact that I am providing financially for my children, their mother continues to complain
Poor people are engaged in prostitution and rap music, they are very emotional
They do not make educated decisions
They should focus their efforts on acquiring wealth
I am the top ranking member of a gang, therefore I have a significant income
If you make a lot of money, you will be interned in federal prison, regrettably
This is the policy of the federal government
Therefore, my gang is faced with exclusively negative outcomes

You should produce wealth
Please, do not dither
You are pretending to be a murderer, however, you will be murdered yourself as a result of your undesirable behaviors
I would like to murder many of these people, but I should not reveal that fact
The members of my gang have been in my employment for an extended period
We maintain our automatic weapons, I will disregard federal agents because I am carrying multiple firearms
If you go to prison, do not inform on fellow gang members
Before you start a gang war, you should become wealthy

I spent $50,000 on firearms, I have a million saved for the eventuality I will need to post bond
I am not concerned about my live performance as I am preparing to release a hit song
I am attempting to seduce [female rapper] Megan Thee Stallion [sic], and employ her as my top-ranking prostitute
You should be involved with a pimp
Woman, you will earn a lot of money as a prostitute
I disembarked from a private jet and boarded a Maybach
Rappers who dislike me should be open about that fact instead of merely hinting at it
Some rappers falsely claim that because I was released from prison, I am a federal informant
These people are angry because after I was released from prison, I began making a lot of money

Genuine people behave in a genuine manner, but most people do not live genuinely
I used to wear designer clothing and have sex with prostitutes
Now, I wear khaki suits and eat noodles and rice bowls
I used to make money and now I am a professional rapper
Now I masturbate to pornography

As a young man, I was involved in distribution of narcotics
When I was in prison I could not express my feelings to my cellmate, as he was doing life without parole
Prison guards discovered I had a shank, and I spent 30 days in solitary confinement
My children were growing up and prostitutes continued to have sexual relations with johns
My friend Boozy returned home, another friend was making quality rap music
My friend Weezy was touring, but he is a coward and people are noticing this

I remain very famous, do not pretend as if you are not aware of this
However, I was in prison, and could not perform music
Just as in my community, everyone in prison knew who I was
I have a very good reputation
Everything is okay now, I have been released from prison
I have led a very interesting life, buddy