El Salvador, Once One of the Most Violent Places on Earth, Goes a Year Without a Single Murder

They keep saying El Salvador is a “dictatorship.”

The Telegraph:

El Salvador has claimed to have gone 365 days without a murder following a major clampdown on gangs which has resulted in thousands being landed in mega-prisons.

But critics have cast doubt on the announcement by president Nayib Bukele who failed to provide independently verified figures.

“We ended May 10, 2023, with zero murders at a national level. With that, it has been 365 [days] without a murder, an entire year,” Mr Bukele, a former nightclub owner, said on Twitter.

The figures were “clarified” by a member of his communications team, who said they represent “the total number of days without murders since 2019”.

The 41-year-old president declared a “war on crime” in March last year, vowing to bring peace to one of the world’s most violent countries.

Declaring a “state of exception” to lower the murder rate, he flooded the country of 6.5 million people with police and rounded up more than 68,000 suspected gang members.

These dictatorships seems a lot more pleasant to live in than democracies, no?

Dictatorships are also big on Bitcoin, apparently.

I wish I had a dictatorship.

The cool thing about being friends with China is you can have a dictatorship with cool stuff and no murders and they don’t come in and start demanding you have gay sex and put women in charge of everything.


To be fair, many or most of the MS13 folks took advantage of the US open borders policy. Murder-for-hire is a lot more lucrative in the US.

That’s not to take away from what Bukele accomplished in any way. It’s just to say that in general, third world countries are getting a lot better with the US willing to accept the lowest members of their society with open arms.

Basically, all of Latin America is really nice now because all their genetic waste came to America.