Elite High School Athlete Turned Into Down Syndrome Tier Vegetable by Blood Clotting in Heart and Lungs

We’ve always been at war with Eurasia, and elite teenage athletes have always had blood clots and their hearts have stopped.

This is all completely normal, and if you question it – you’re a racist.


The story of a Charles City teenager whose world turned upside down just a month before her college athletics career was set to start is a story of perseverance.

Carly Stevenson was rushed to the hospital with a blood clot a month before her first day of class at Wartburg College. She was all set to throw shot put and discus for the college track team.

Doctors thought it was dire. In fact, they told her family to start preparing for the worst.

But they kept their faith. She’s now in recovery in Ankeny, working with occupational therapists at On With Life.

Every day, they work to improve her balance, head control, hand and arm movements and communication skills.

“If you look at her story from start to finish you know. As she’s growing up and going through sports and playing at like an elite level, it’s kind of easy to look back at her story now and feel sad about it. But I think she really has come over so many things it is really a story about hope,” occupational therapist Samantha Williams said.

She’s basically a vegetable.

The video is on the news site.

She looks like a Down syndrome retard.

That weight gain is because her endocrine system stopped working, just like with retards.

Safe and effective, goy.

Safe and effective.

No mention of the vax.


How can you not laugh?

The GoFundMe page set up for her gives more details:

Hi, My name is Nicole. My best friend Carly Stevenson had a seizure today and collapsed. On the way to the hospital, she had trouble speaking and breathing. At some point, her heart stopped and she had to be resuscitated three times. It was discovered that she has a blood clot in her heart and in her lungs. She is going to be airlifted to Des Moines later today for surgery. She may not make it without it. Any donations to help her family pay for this surgery would be greatly appreciated. If you cannot donate, please share and spread the word. All prayers are appreciated. Thank you in advance

Yeah – I’m not paying you and I’m not praying for you.

I’m not even getting out my tiny violin.

My money and prayers are saved for the Children of God who kept their blood pure and did not surrender to this satanic system.

I hope all you people die, and I’m glad this happened to this bitch.

Everyone knows this is wrong.

I don’t believe anyone doesn’t have a feeling at the base of their spine that this vax is very, very wrong.

Yeah, I feel bad for the little kids – sure.

But they are the kids of people who would inject their children with an experimental gene therapy shot to treat a disease that doesn’t exist and even if it did exist doesn’t affect children.

We need these people out of the gene pool.

Before you ever have any sympathy for the Tainted, remember that it is their cooperation that put us in this situation where we are hunted by these vaxers.

They are all our enemies, they are agents of Satan, and they deserve everything they get.

Let them eat clots.

I wrote a story earlier today about a 13-year-old girl from Utah who died of cardiac arrest. But these are just examples. The stories are only reported in local news, so it would be more or less impossible to find them all. But there’s no reason to find them all – just understand that this is happening everywhere.

And it’s going to start happening to babies.

Ted Cruz and Rand Paul won’t say anything – they are both vaxed and just don’t believe in masks.

Even though this is happening on a massive scale, it hasn’t really started yet. The purpose of the vax is not just to kill people immediately. The purpose is to destroy your health, and to sterilize you. These mud bloods are going to have chronic health problems for the rest of their lives. They’re just going to be a bunch of fat, shuffling zombies.

Just imagine – these shots are just getting started. The official line now is that these goyim are expected to get one every three months.

They will all die when the system fails and they can’t get all of their treatments that they will need.

And we will inherit the earth.

We will make it new.

We will make it pure.