Elton John and Michael Caine Appear in Bizarre Vaccine Propaganda Short

Apparently, governments are not being totally honest about how many people want the coronavirus vaccine.

They are continuing to release nonstop propaganda trying to tell people it is safe, which is a dead giveaway. The scarcity of the thing appears to also be part of the hype.

The British NHS has released a vaccine propaganda film featuring two of that nation’s most famous old people: Elton John and Michael Caine. They both supposedly get the vaccine in the video, and talk about how totally safe it is.

It’s very creepy the way it is scripted as a humorous affair. I don’t think I’m simply speaking from my own bias when I say it is objectively unfunny, The arc of the 90-second film is thus: Elton John is auditioning to play himself in a coronavirus ad campaign, and he fails the audition, then Michael Caine comes on and he’s auditioning to play himself in a vaccine ad and he does great.

It’s a stupid joke and there are a lot of other things you could have done. But how easy would it have been to have made it that Michael Caine got the role playing Elton John?

It is intended to portray the two old men as lovable old rascals you know from childhood who, just like your silly old granddad, you can trust with your life. Caine tells you: “it doesn’t hurt,” as if you are a little child.

He’s the kindly and gentle old man you know who helped that orphan boy in that classic family film when the sad poor girl was struggling and needed to *checks notes* she needed to get an abortion. He helped her get an abortion before it was legal because he was kind. In that classic family film.

I don’t actually trust celebrities very much.