Empty-Headed Mulatto Anchorette Bemoans CNN “Normalizing White Supremacy”

Daily Stormer
September 6, 2016

While normal people were enjoying their weekend, Jew Brian Stelter invited lisping Jew Jacob Weisberg and mestizo octoroon Soledad O’Brien onto his silly excuse for a news show in order to once again attempt to Stump the Trump.

Raw Story:

Former CNN host Soledad O’Brien blasted the cable news business over the weekend for profiting off the hate speech that has fueled Donald Trump’s political rise.

According to O’Brien, the media had gone through “contortions to make things seem equal all the time” when comparing Trump to Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

Making things seem equal all the time is only okay when you’re trying to subvert the goyim!

“If you look at Hillary Clinton’s speech where she basically pointed out that what Donald Trump has done — actually quite well — has normalized white supremacy,” O’Brien explained to CNN host Brian Stelter on Sunday. “I think she made a very good argument, almost like a lawyer. Here is ways in which he has actually worked to normalize conversations that many people find hateful.”

“I’ve seen on-air, white supremacists being interviewed because they are Trump delegates,” she noted. “And they do a five minute segment, the first minute or so talking about what they believe as white supremacists. So you have normalized that.”

Yeah, that’s always a conundrum to these media types. To cover pro-Whites or not to cover pro-Whites. There’s always the chance they can edit and spin our comments to make us look scary or callow to the lemmings in TV land, but more often their ideas gain traction merely by virtue of being broadcast (because we’re right).

This makes covering the Alt Right a dangerous crap shoot for the Jews.

For example, they love to screech about “White Supremacy,” but then the logical question is: Who should rightly be supreme in White countries? Because someone will always be supreme.

You never hear these media commies decrying “Black Supremacy” in South Africa.


50% White, 50% Afro-Cuban, 100% stupid!

The former CNN host argued that the question that journalists should be asking is if Trump is “softening the ground for people — who are white supremacists, who are white nationalists, who would self-identify that way — to feel comfortable with their views being brought into the national discourse to the point where they can do a five minute interview happily on national television?”

Based on this concept of “journalistic integrity” that we’ve been fed since the days when Edward R. Murrow was slandering the great Senator Joe McCarthy, not one damned bit of this “social justice” nonsense that Soledad seems obsessed with should be considered for even a second by any serious journalist. What happened to this idea of reporting the facts and letting the viewers come to their own conclusions?

That’s way too dangerous, of course!

O’Brien observed that cable news outlets were effectively being rewarded for bad behavior.

“So hateful speech brings a really interested, angry audience,” she noted.

Isn’t it something how strong the narrative flows through this one? I think she actually believes her own nonsense!

I mean, it’s just not possible that White people are tired of tuning-in to the media, or listening to some politician, and basically getting shit upon around the clock in hi-definition!

But we are tired of it. Sick to death of it! We want to hear from someone who feels our pain, shares our concerns, and speaks plainly about issues that concern us.

But if you put it that way, it all sounds too reasonable. Almost as if uncucked Whites have a right to an opinion.


Races are all equal and the only difference is skin color. But if you have White skin, you don’t have a right to exist.

Sorry Soledad, we’re not playing along anymore, and even the shekel shakers at CNN know this. Sure, they’ll try to label every single reasonable thing that Trump and any of his proxies may say as racist, supremacist, misogynist, etc., but they’re gonna let them say it, for the ratings.

And people are listening.

And that scares her.

Because she knows that if Trump is elected, there’s a great chance she’s going over that Beaner Wall!