END TIMES: Earthquake Monster Lurks Beneath Los Angeles!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 3, 2019

Eventually, God is going to destroy California for being the New Babylon and the Whore of Babylon.

It’s just a matter of when.

National Geographic:

Los Angeles and Long Beach bustle with activity—their colorful array of shipping containers are stacked and unstacked in a never-ending, multibillion-dollar game of Tetris. But a previously overlooked danger lurks below this frenzy: A fault capable of generating earthquakes magnitude 6.3 or greater.

The Wilmington fault, as it’s called, is an elusive type of fracture. Unlike many faults, which crack Earth’s surface like an egg, the Wilmington fault is “blind,” which means it’s concealed beneath the surface, making it especially difficult to study. So while scientists have long known the fault is present—stretching 12.4 miles under southern Los Angeles into San Pedro Bay—it was presumed to have sat quiet for millions of years.

Now, a new analysis of the system, published in Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, suggests that isn’t the case. Using a cluster of clues incorporated into a three-dimensional model, the study authors posit that the fault has been active much more recently than once thought—and likely still poses a risk to people on the surface.

“I hope bringing attention to it can potentially increase safety in the region,” says study author Franklin Wolfe, a doctoral candidate who is part of Harvard’s structural geology and Earth resources group.

While the fault is slow moving and likely ruptures only once every 3,200 to 4,700 years, it underlies two of the United States’ busiest ports. And researchers worry that the Wilmington could link with other nearby faults to produce a temblor as strong as a magnitude 7.4.

The study also emphasizes just how many faults crisscross Southern California, adds Chris Goldfinger, an earthquake geologist at Oregon State University, who was not part of the research team. Scientists have made major strides characterizing the geology of the region, but there’s still more to do.

“Just by itself, if you take the implications of a relatively slow-moving fault like this, it won’t change the hazard very much,” he says. But the discovery that the Wilmington fault is likely still active, he says, “sort of leaves this big hanging question mark: What about all the others?

There are many people who believe that California will sink into the ocean if there is a giant quake.

The shills keep saying it won’t actually sink into the ocean, but they’re either lying or they’ve purposefully deceived themselves. Or perhaps, God has deceived them so they remain in California and sink with their sins.

The ocean plate is going to be pushed under the continental plate.

The sinking of California will serve as a warning that the time has come to return to God. Those who do not heed the warning will face an even worse fate than that of the sunken California drowners.

I’ll tell you all one more time:

All the nations have drunk the wine of the passion of her immorality. The kings of the earth were immoral with her, and the merchants of the earth have grown wealthy from the extravagance of her luxury.” Then I heard another voice from heaven say: “Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins or contract any of her plagues. For her sins are piled up to heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities.

That may well be the last time you hear it.