Evil Sithlord Jew George Soros Says Russia’s “Expansionism” Poses Threat to EU

Daily Slave
October 25, 2014

No it is not the Star Wars Sithlord – it is something much worse. It is George Soros, the evil billionaire Jew.

The evil Sithlord-looking Jew George Soros is claiming that Russia’s alleged expansionism poses a threat to the European Union.  This nothing more than a silly Jew lie, as it is in fact the EU and NATO who have been expanding into countries that used to comprise the former Soviet Union.

The Guardian:

The investor and philanthropist argues that Vladimir Putin’s mix of authoritarianism and aggressive nationalism represents an alternative model to western liberal democracies, referring to the admiration for the Russian president expressed by the Ukip leader, Nigel Farage, the president of France’s Front National, Marine Le Pen, and Hungary’s prime minister, Viktor Orbán.“Europe is facing a challenge from Russia to its very existence. Neither the European leaders nor their citizens are fully aware of this challenge or know how best to deal with it,” Soros writes in an article published in the New York Review of Books.

Russia is merely reacting to the provocative activities from the West, which include the Jew-financed coup in the Ukraine earlier this year.  Soros and fellow Jewess Victoria Nuland were key figures in financing the overthrow of the Ukraine’s elected government.  Apparently, it is only democracy if said democracy is explicitly good for Jewish interests.

The EU is a Jewish creation that has been designed to undermine the national sovereignty of each individual European country.  Soros is undoubtedly starting to see cracks in the EU as we see nationalism rising throughout several European countries including France, Hungary and Greece, among others.  This, combined with Russia standing up to the madness does not appear to be good for the interests of Jews and Zionism.

Thus you have Soros’ “we’re all doomed, goyim” tear-fest.