Facebook Bug Lets Hackers Know Who You Have Been Sending Private Messages To

Pomidor Quixote
Daily Stormer
March 9, 2019

Right after Mark Zuckerberg announced that Facebook was going to turn into some kind of “privacy-focused” thing, there’s news about how totally not private Facebook is.

Daily Mail:

Facebook users face new privacy concerns as yet another security breach could be giving away the names of people they have been messaging.

Hackers trying to gain access to private accounts need only to get users to click a video link, which would be easily disguised as regular content.

The loophole then lets hackers check which contacts had recently engaged with the user over Facebook Messenger.

What? Does that bother you?

Do you have something to hide?

That’s just a newly discovered bug that lets people outside of Facebook access private information about you, but what about what Facebook itself is doing in the spying department?

There’s news about that too.

Daily Mail:

Data from several Android apps automatically sends data to Facebook – even if the user does not have an account with the social media giant.

Apps such as Yelp, Indeed and Duolingo automatically send user information to the company when an Android user opens the app.

This flaw was first pointed out by Privacy International in December when an investigation found 23 popular apps all did the same thing.

Most firms, including Spotify, Skyscanner and Kayak, have since corrected the issue but a handful have yet to rectify the privacy concern, the report claims.

It is also believed the apps for Apple iOS devices also ‘exhibit similar behaviour’.

Facebook and Privacy International have since had discussions in a bid to address and resolve the issues raised by the charity.

The London-based charity revealed Yelp, Duolingo, Indeed, the King James Bible app and two Muslim prayer apps, Qibla Connect and Muslim Pro, send personal data to Facebook before users can decide whether to give consent or not.

The charity argues that the types of app and how often they are opened, which is all that is transmitted, can be used to paint a ‘fine-grained picture of someone’s interests, identities and daily routines’.

Facebook is a privacy nightmare, but random apps sending data about you to Facebook even if you don’t have a Facebook account is also a privacy nightmare (and possibly criminal, or it should be), which means that unless you’re not using apps on your phone you’re living in a privacy nightmare.

But don’t worry.

They’re not using all of this information about you to do evil. They’re just using it to know more about you and to show you ads of stuff you might be interested in buying, you know?

It’s efficient.

The alternative would be to assign a traveling salesman to each and every goy to follow them around everywhere — even in their bathrooms and even in their bedrooms — to observe them and take notes about their activities and interests so the salesmen can become better at selling stuff to the goys.

It sounds worse than it actually is, and we need to do it for the economy. We need to keep the goyim working and spending and spending and spending so we can continue filling our pockets.

Milking the goyim is needed for the good of the planet.