Faggot Fake Artist Banksy Sends Ship to Aid African Invasion of Europe

I’ve always said that the popularity of the fake artist “Banksy” was a sign of the total decline of Western civilization. Art is supposed to be good, and culture is supposed to be relevant.

Banksy is bad at making art, and what people are apparently into is the completely contrived “mystique” around a “rebel” street artist, who at the same time as being a rebel, is also the definition of “safe” and “establishment approved.”

Of course, he’s big on flooding Europe with Africans.

The Guardian:

The British street artist Banksy has financed a boat to rescue refugees attempting to reach Europe from north Africa, the Guardian can reveal.

The vessel, named Louise Michel after a French feminist anarchist, set off in secrecy on 18 August from the Spanish seaport of Burriana, near Valencia, and is now in the central Mediterranean where on Thursday it rescued 89 people in distress, including 14 women and four children.

So that would mean it was also 71 grown men. That is, this group of “refugees” was 80% adult males.


It is now looking for a safe seaport to disembark the passengers or to transfer them to a European coastguard vessel.

The crew, made up of European activists with long experience in search and rescue operations, had already assisted in two other rescue operations involving a total of 105 people, who are now onboard the NGO vessel Sea-Watch 4.

Painted in bright pink and featuring Banksy artwork depicting a girl in a life vest holding a heart-shaped safety buoy, the Louise Michel sails under a German flag. The 31-metre motor yacht, formerly owned by French customs authorities, is smaller but considerably faster than other NGO rescue vessels.

Banksy’s involvement in the rescue mission goes back to September 2019 when he sent an email to Pia Klemp, the former captain of several NGO boats that have rescued thousands of people over recent years.

“Hello Pia, I’ve read about your story in the papers. You sound like a badass,” he wrote. “I am an artist from the UK and I’ve made some work about the migrant crisis, obviously I can’t keep the money. Could you use it to buy a new boat or something? Please let me know. Well done. Banksy.”

Klemp, who initially thought it was a joke, believes she was chosen by Banksy due to her political stance. “I don’t see sea rescue as a humanitarian action, but as part of an anti-fascist fight,” she told the Guardian.

She has made clear that Banksy’s involvement in the operations is limited to providing financial support. “Banksy won’t pretend that he knows better than us how to run a ship, and we won’t pretend to be artists.”

This bitch is vile.

You can be a dirty white woman fixated on black dick without being this.

Here’s the thing: making anything “cool” and “trendy” is very easy when you control the culture and create your own fake counterculture.

It’s so exhausting that the matrix of control is so obvious and transparent, but these people think their lives and beliefs are real.