Faggoty Demented Clown Tim Kaine Makes Fool of Himself

Dr. Patrick Slattery
Daily Stormer
October 5, 2016


Clowns are creepy and faggots are creepy, so Kaine is creepy squared.

At tonight’s vice presidential debate, Dynamic Deputy Mark Pence maintained his dignity as Hillary lapdog Tim Kaine constantly interrupted him with anti-Trump lies and insults. This alone should make him the victor in most people’s eyes.

Frankly, both men are career politicians, and you cannot be a career politician in Zio-America without a strong propensity for cuckoldry. For his part, Pence did say some stupid things. In particular, he went on an extended neocon diatribe against Russia that completely contradicted Trump’s actual policy. Still, most voters have so little knowledge about policy, and foreign policy in particular, that the actual contents of what the two men said will have little impact on the election. But what is troubling is that by embracing a strictly cuckservative line, Pence made himself into Jewsassination bait, thus endangering a president Trump. This is worrisome.

But seeing as people have been brainwashed to such an extent that they will largely base their decisions on style, Pence was the clear winner as Kaine’s style is limp-wristed and effeminate. He embraced the Black Lives Matter narrative that police in particular and whites in general have “implicit bias” and that blacks suffer from “institutional racism.” He was full on open boarders multicultural, reminding us that we are a “nation of immigrants.” That implies that the immigrants, and not the native-born, are the true Americans. He was full-on pro-Israel, anti-Putin war hawk. He constantly interrupted Pence, and repeatedly was admonished by the Hispanic moderator, prompting him to default back to his Church Lady smug grin.


Kaine spoke like an attorney (a gay attorney) making the strongest case possible for his mass murderer client without a bit of concern about the truth or any negative impact that victory in the case would have on the safety of the public. This was obvious to anyone watching. To the extent he made a strong case, it was strictly legalistic and completely immoral.

For the most part Pence looked presidential and sounded presidential. He stood up for the police and in opposition illegal immigrants, even hinting at restricting LEGAL immigration. He remained respectful and spoke persuasively, even when he was talking nonsense. Unfortunately, he did a poor job of defending Trump, simply dismissing Kaine’s accusations instead of pointing out that they were false.


For instance, Kaine repeatedly said that Trump called women fat pigs. Technically, if one refers to two individual women as fat pigs, then strictly speaking one has referred to women (two in this case) as fat pigs. By the same token, if someone refers to Bin Ladin and Abu Bakr al Baghdadi as terrorists, then you have called men terrorists. But that doesn’t mean you have called all men terrorists. Kaine spoke as if Trump was calling all women fat pigs, and Pence was unable to take advantage of this to show what a twisted shyster Kaine really is.

He also tried to outdo Kaine in terms of his insults for Putin. He beat Kaine to the punch with the lie that Russia invaded Ukraine. He called for a no-fly zone over Syria, which of course is right out of Hillary’s playbook for protecting ISIS. It was truly sad.

Still, when all was said and done, Pence looked like a president and Kaine looked like a poof.

Hail Dynamic Deputy!

Here’s the full debate, for anyone who missed it.