Plagiarist and ADL Agent Matt Furie Plots to Kill Pepe in Order to Stop Meme Nazism

Daily Stormer
May 9, 2017


Emmmm, nope.

The forces of Moloch are active as of late, trying to sabotage the potency of our meme magic to push back the front lines of the memetic war.

Recently, an evil Black “artist” was possessed by the dark forces and led to create an abominable crucified frog sculpture:


Now an even more sinister plot emerges.

An evil comic, which could only have spawned from Moloch entrails, has been published with the intention of killing Pepe, the eternal avatar of Kek and icon of the Alt-Right.

The Telegraph:

The cartoonist who created Pepe the Frog has killed off the character in a rebuke to far-right extremists who transformed a benevolent internet meme into a racist, anti-Semitic symbol.

A Pepe cartoon released on Saturday in comic book stores shows Matt Furie’s creation in an open casket. Furie didn’t immediately respond to an email seeking comment Monday.

Let’s get something very clear now.

Matt Furie didn’t create Pepe. Pepe was the product of an artist on 4chan named “anon.”

ADL agent Furie merely plagiarized the character for his own kiked comic books.

As such, his attempt to kill Pepe is doomed to fail, as his meme-magic powers are nothing but artifice and fakery. He’s nothing but a thief working for the ADL trying to Jew over 4chan for his own monetary gain.

In a Time magazine essay last year, Furie described Pepe as “chill frog-dude” who debuted in a 2006 comic book called “Boy’s Club” and became a popular online subject for user-generated mutations.

But internet trolls hijacked the character and began flooding social media with hateful Pepe memes more than a year before the 2016 presidential election. Pepe became a tongue-in-cheek symbol of the “alt-right” fringe movement and its loosely connected brand of white nationalism, neo-Nazism and anti-immigration.

Daily reminder that CNN created their own original KKK Pepe for their report.

The Anti-Defamation League branded Pepe as a hate symbol in September 2016 and promoted Furie’s efforts to reclaim the character, with a social media campaign using the “£SavePepe” hashtag.

“That’s a huge challenge,” said Oren Segal, director of the ADL’s Center on Extremism. “It just didn’t pick up.”

As if the Jew’s forced memes could ever go viral. Will they ever learn?

Segal said he doubts Pepe’s cartoon death will erode his iconic status with the “alt-right” movement. Richard Spencer, a white nationalist who popularised the term “alt-right,” said it could have the opposite effect.


Not only has Pepe survived this attempted murder, but he was reborn, stronger than ever.

23rd Law of Meme Magic: Trying to counter a meme with a forced meme will result in a backlash proportional to the original meme’s power times the energy behind the forced meme.

This foolish endeavor was doomed from the start.