Fake News Admits Alabama Polls are Just Made Up

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 3, 2017

The mainstream news is so stupid, I’m thinking of stopping reading it.

I’m just going to rely on Jack Posobiec and Mike Cernovich for my reports. Honestly at this point, they are more likely to be telling you the truth than the Jews.

Yesterday, I pointed out that the WaPo claiming Judge Moore is losing in Alabama was retarded/a hoax.

Meanwhile, here’s the RCP compilation.

Alabama is as religious as Iran.

There is literally no way in hell a pro-abortion, pro-man-on-man anal Democrat can win in Alabama.

Roy Moore could come out on stage in a Gwar costume with an entire team of middle school cheerleaders and grope them all while singing Clarence Carter’s “Strokin.”

And as long as he was like “the other guy is going to kill babies” he would win.

So today, Politico comes out and is like “yeah, they’re basically just lying…”:

Roy Moore appears to have inched back in front of Democrat Doug Jones in the latest Alabama Senate election polls, according to the oft-cited RealClearPolitics average — a change in fortune from mid-November, when sexual misconduct allegations against Moore first surfaced.

The reality? No one really has a clue about where things stand with Alabama voters in the December 12 special election.

For all the national attention and the millions of dollars spent to win the seat, there’s relatively little public polling in the contest. Only three public surveys in the average have been conducted since the Thanksgiving holiday, and odds are you’ve never heard of two of the three pollsters.

And that’s precisely the problem. The most important and closely watched election in the nation is taking place in the equivalent of a polling black box. There are no established, in-state polling institutions or dominant regional media outlets to fill that void. Since it’s not typically a politically competitive state, outside pollsters don’t have much experience in Alabama either. Outside of Fox News and a new Washington Post poll released Saturday, national media outlets or major pollsters haven’t yet stepped forward to survey the race.

On top of all that, the Alabama Senate race is a special, off-year election being held just before Christmas — layering on more elements of uncertainty and mystery.

“This is a state where no one has a real track record,” said Patrick Murray, director of the Monmouth University Polling Institute, “because who bothers to poll Alabama statewide races?”

They just do everything at once.

They’ll tell you he’s winning, he’s losing, then say they have no idea and it is impossible to find out.

In fact, given other markers – in particular, the religiosity and generally overwhelmingly conservative nature of the state – polls are stupid and pointless in this situation. Just generally, polls are an outdated method of predicting the outcome of elections, even if they weren’t generally hoaxed. But they won’t bother telling you that.

This Alabama situation is particularly retarded as the goal of these jailbait allegations was never to get a Democrat to win – it was to try and get Moore to step down and be replaced with an establishment Republican, presumably Luther Strange. But since that didn’t happen, they are pretending there is some kind of race between him and the Democrat. No one thinks that is a thing.

As we saw with the ABC Mike Flynn report, you can’t even expect these people to report simple facts that you can Google.

We have our news and analysis – though they are attempting to shut that down – but we really need on the ground reporters at his point. We need to fully replace the media. Infowars is attempting to do that, but they really do just make a lot of shit up.

I wish they would stop. They don’t really have any reason to.

They’ve also got that issue with the Laura Loomer masturbation video, which could end up bankrupting them.

We need competent people, desperately.

NOTE: If you’re in Alabama, absolutely go vote. Get everyone you know to go vote. Don’t consider it a done deal. We also want the largest margin possible.