It’s the Tranny Amendment – “Congress shall make no law disrespecting chicks with dicks or hurting the feelings thereof.”
Learn it and respect what our Founding Fathers stood for.
A federal appeals court ruled Wednesday that a Virginia school board’s transgender bathroom ban is unconstitutional and discriminated against a transgender male student who was barred from using the boys bathrooms in his high school.
The ruling is a victory for transgender rights advocates and Gavin Grimm, a former student at Gloucester High School who was required to use restrooms that corresponded with his biological sex — female — or private bathrooms.
The Richmond-based 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals found that the Gloucester County School Board violated Grimm’s constitutional rights when it banned him from using the boys bathrooms. The decision by the three-judge panel was 2 to 1.
In the majority opinion, the appeals court wrote that Grimm was forced to use “special bathrooms that might as well have said ‘Gavin’ on the sign.”
“Grimm was treated worse than students with whom he was similarly situated because he alone could not use the restroom corresponding with his gender,” the ruling stated. “Unlike the other boys, he had to use either the girls restroom or a single-stall option.”
The Gloucester County school board had argued that laws protect against discrimination based on sex, not gender identity. Because Grimm had not undergone sex-reassignment surgery and still had female genitalia, the board’s position was that he remained anatomically a female.
It can just keep getting dumber.
There is no bottom on this bottomless pit of Jewishness.