Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 19, 2015

Yet another feminist bitch is whining on the internet about how people who hurt women’s feelings by being mean to them with words on websites should be locked in prison. Chrisella Herzog has written a piece for Diplomatic Courrior entitled “When the Internet Breeds Hate,” and this weasel-faced sow kicked it up a notch, claiming that #Gamergate is a front for Nazism.
Over the course of six months, GamerGate became the melting pot for the worst of the internet. Violent sexism, homophobia, and transphobia have been the most common and outspoken sentiments of GamerGate, but not far beneath the surface are virulent strains of anti-Semitism, racism, and neo Nazism. As the movement progressed, the rhetoric began parroting concepts from white supremacy groups, men’s rights advocates, and a popular culture perception of the military. When the movement became too extreme, Reddit put restrictions on the movement’s “operations” and email campaigns, and even the notorious 4chan removed any discussion of GamerGate from its boards. Angered about the perceived attack on their “free speech”, the movement found refuge on 8chan, a discussion board site described by The Washington Post as “the most lawless, more libertarian, more ‘free’ follow-up to 4chan.” The site’s founder, Frederick Brennan—a man who wrote a pro-eugenics article for the neo-Nazi website, The Daily Stormer—made 8chan to combat what he perceived as a loss of free speech on the internet.
Isn’t it funny how these feminist’s nightmares are the exact thing as our fantasies? One difference is the level of connection to reality – we say “wouldn’t it be great if GG was full-Nazi?” while she says “GG is secretly part of a full-Nazi conspiracy – I know this is true because it was real in my mind.”

Well, listen to me you deformed goose. I know for a fact GG isn’t full-Nazi because I got personally attacked by one of the top leaders of GG, Sargon of Cuckad, for being a full-Nazi. He called me both a “monster” and a “horrible person.” His views on racism are exactly the same as yours, by pure coincidence.
Hotwheels only published that eugenics article here because I was the only one who would publish it, due to everything having been so Jewed to the point where not even a cripple is allowed free speech about being crippled. It is extremely unlikely he was going to offend other cripples by speaking from the heart on his own personal experience, and yet the only relevant site willing to post it was the Big Bad Wolf.
She then says that GG/Nazism is just waiting to start mass-murdering people, and is basically the same thing as ISIS.
White supremacist groups have moved away from large organizations into smaller cells, which use the internet to recruit from boards full of angry, disenfranchised young men. In 2012, one such man went to a Sikh temple in Wisconson with a gun and a head full of violent music glorifying the white race; he killed six worshippers. Anders Behring Breivik was also involved in white supremacist online groups, as were many other mass murderers over the past few years. Similar online tactics have been used by ISIS, which has garnered much attention for its strategic social media use and its ability to convince Western youth to run away and join their cause. Jeffery Simon wrote about the use of internet communities to radicalize small cells or individuals and incite them to violence in his book, Lone Wolf Terrorism: Understanding the Growing Threat.
Yep, seriously. Gamergate = ISIS. This is what feminists actually believe.
Listen to me. Crisella.
Your theory that Gamergate is an ISIS-like Nazi movement composed of mass-murderers is completely deranged, and shows just how divorced from reality you are. But wait. This feels like I’m being mean to a woman for being a woman. Because in your mind, it is reality, because it is the way you feel. And God made women to believe the way they feel is the same thing as reality. The problem, Chrisella – besides your hippie name which makes me sick inside – is that you should not be thinking about politics. You should be thinking about losing weight, thinking about various baking projects, dresses and babies. You should be thinking about how you can snag an older man who can afford to pay for the plastic surgery you so obviously need. You are offering nothing but confusion and idiocy to the political realm.
Along with claiming GG is a bunch of Nazi serial killers, she also claims that “hate speech” is illegal in America.
U.S. law has established that free speech is protected until it becomes dangerous or injurious (libel, slander, hate speech), but it is very common for law enforcement to brush off threats as not serious.
You lying slag. Cite me the law wherein “hate speech” is illegal in America. Protip to carbohydrate addicted whackjob: it isn’t.
And yes, there you go again with this about the horrible threats you ladies receive. Well, listen up, slut: it is not only the cops that don’t take internet death threats seriously. It is everyone but whinny feminists who believe the entire universe needs to stop every time they feel a feel. I receive death threats on a nigh daily basis. Do you know how much this phases me? Nada. This is because I am a man, and thus genetically capable of dealing with real life as an adult.
One nail that these crybabies hit on the head – that we sexists are using abusive language toward females to get them out of these tubes and back in the kitchen.
This is just a fact. But it is also a fact that it works. Because you are women, you are emotionally unstable without the support of a man, and I can see from your writing you don’t have that, given that you are an unhinged kook. And no. We don’t want you in our vidya, we don’t want you in our comics, we don’t want you to be able to vote or influence society in any way whatsoever. Not because we are driven by some vague form of hatred which you have yet to qualify or explain, but because it is obvious that you have absolutely zero to offer other than confused and weird whinging and conspiracy theories.

The bottom line of all of this, Chrisella: get off the computer and go make me a sandwich.
For anyone who wants to let Chrisella know what they think of her theories, find her on Twitter here. As always, don’t threaten or intimidate her in any way, simply let her know how you feel about her deranged theories and her attacks on White men.