Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 11, 2015

Last week we reported on the case of Chase Hironimus, a 4-year-old boy who a Judge has demanded have his penis brutally mutilated.
On Tuesday, the judge, who appears to be Jewish, issued a warrant for the arrest of his mother, Heather Hironimus, who has refused to turn the boy in to have a third of the skin of his penis taken from him to be used by the fat Negress Oprah to make face cream.
Her attorney, Thomas Hunker, said his client is staying with her 4-year-old son in a shelter for domestic violence victims because the boy was “scared to death” of undergoing the surgery.
Hironimus and the boy’s father, Dennis Nebus, were never married but share custody of their child. In a parenting agreement filed in court, the two agreed to the boy’s circumcision, but the mother later changed her mind, leading to a long court battle. Circuit and appellate judges have sided with the father, but potential surgeons have backed out after refusing to get the mother’s consent or becoming the target of anti-circumcision protesters who side with her.
“She did this for one reason and one reason only: because the child is scared to death of this procedure,” Hunker told Gillen, launching into a defense that was cut off by the judge.
“So Mr. Hunker, I take it then that the mother is not going to appear today?” the judge said.
“Correct, your honor,” Hunker replied.
“OK, that’s all I needed to know,” Gillen said.
“Your honor, if I may,” the lawyer pleaded.
“No, you may not,” the judge shot back.
Interestingly, while this woman is doing the one thing women are supposed to do – protecting her child – feminists are completely silent on this case. While this woman is in a women’s shelter with her boy, and the state is demanding she surrender the boy to have his genitals brutally mutilated in a satanic Jewish procedure, the only activists advocating for Heather and Chase are men’s rights activists.
This demonstrates, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that feminism has nothing to do with protecting women. It is solely about hatred of men. Feminists would never get involved in this case, because they love the idea of a little boy having his penis mutilated. Also, most top feminists are Jews, and they wouldn’t want to bring any light on their own tribe’s practice of cutting up penises.

Outside of the bizarre violation of both the mother’s rights and the child’s in favor of a deadbeat dad who just wants to mutilate Chase to spite the mother, the fact that circumcision is even legal in any civilized country is mad.
It is only that sickest of demons who ever could have thought up the concept of cutting parts off of a baby’s sexual organs.
Oh, and Arabs. Though the Jews invented doing it to boys, and the Arabs just copied it like they copied a bunch of other stuff from the Jews (many of the original Moslems were Jews), Arabs did invent doing the same thing to females. But female circumcision is globally condemned, while what is in effect the same exact thing is routinely done to boys. Reminiscent of the situation in France, where you can make cartoons of Moslems but not of Jews.
Clearly, Jews are making buko shekels off of selling these foreskins, but at the same time, they likely understand that doing this to a baby permanently damages his subconscious mind for the rest of his life, making them more mailable and susceptible to Jew manipulation.
Do what you can to help Chase.
Here is a webpage set up to defend his natural human right to genital integrity, and here is the official Facebook page.