First Tranny Olympian Confirmed! Bio-Frontholes Told to Keep Their Faceholes Shut!

Daily Stormer: nothing but tranny news, 24/7. All the latest on Big Tranny – and how you can stop it.

Actually, we have no idea how to stop it. And the only reason we’re covering it so much is that this is what is in the mainstream media now. Approximately 87% of major news stories in May of 2021 that are not about the Doom Virus are about trannies.

You’re living in Tranny World now.


Former Olympic weightlifter Tracey Lambrechs says females are being told to “be quiet” when they complain about the fairness of transgender New Zealand athlete Laurel Hubbard competing in women’s competitions.

Hubbard is on track to become the first transgender athlete to compete at an Olympics after the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) modified qualifying requirements for the Tokyo Games on Wednesday.

The 43-year-old still has to satisfy the New Zealand Olympic Committee (NZOC) of her fitness and performance standards before selection for the team but the prospect she will compete in Tokyo has already raised hackles.

“I’m quite disappointed, quite disappointed for the female athlete who will lose out on that spot,” Lambrechs, who won a bronze medal for New Zealand at the 2018 Commonwealth Games, told TVNZ.

“We’re all about equality for women in sport but right now that equality is being taken away from us.

“I’ve had female weightlifters come up to me and say, ‘what do we do? This isn’t fair, what do we do?’. Unfortunately, there’s nothing we can do because every time we voice it we get told to be quiet.”

Hubbard, 43, competed in men’s weightlifting competitions before transitioning in 2013.

She has been eligible to compete in the Olympics since 2015, when the International Olympic Committee issued guidelines allowing any transgender athlete to compete as a woman provided their testosterone levels are below 10 nanomoles per litre for at least 12 months before their first competition.

Many scientists have criticised these guidelines, saying they do little to mitigate the biological advantages of those who have gone through puberty as males, including bone and muscle density.

In a statement on Thursday, the IOC said that while committed to inclusion, it was currently reviewing its guidelines to take into account the “perceived tension between fairness/safety and inclusion/non-discrimination”.

“The IOC is developing new guidance to help ensure that athletes – regardless of their gender identity and/or sex characteristics – can engage in safe and fair competition,” it said.

The exact criteria for transgender participation in elite sport is determined by the international federations and some have already adjusted the IOC guidelines for power events.

World Rugby banned transgender athletes from the elite women’s game last year for safety reasons.

The NZOC does not expect nomination and selection for its weightlifting team to happen until June but New Zealand’s Olympic weightlifting coach Simon Kent told TVNZ that Hubbard met the current IWF criteria.

“The rules are in place, that’s the playing field we’re playing in, so that’s how we’re going to move forward,” he said.

Most women apparently are not bothered by the prospect of being completely replaced by trannies everywhere in society.

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But a few are opposed to it. They are (mostly derisively) known as “TERFs” (trans-exclusionary radical feminists). The problem is, most of these anti-tranny feminists are claiming that trannies are some kind of attack on women by “the patriarchy.”

This is about as useful as MAGA morons claiming that Joe Biden is controlled by China – as he runs a smear campaign against the Chinese and prepares America for war with them.

Just so, trannies are a part of the war on the patriarchy. So most feminists are not going to be able to reconcile any opposition to the tranny agenda, as it effectively requires them to admit that the patriarchy was right (at least about this issue).

Harry Potter writer JK Rowling is the de facto leader of the TERFs, simply because she is the only famous feminist willing to stand up and say “men are not women.”

(You would think Naomi Wolf would also be a TERF, but actually she’s not. Wolf is still better than 99% of feminists, but for some reason she missed this issue. Probably because she’s Jewish.)

The TERFs are accused by the trannies and their supporters of being “the patriarchy,” which is also wrong I think, but more true than the reverse.

If you know any woman bothered by all this stuff, make sure she knows where the problem originated. Maybe it’ll help us in the long run…

Or maybe she’ll just call you a Nazi then call the police to arrest you.