Flag Burning is Not a Crime in the United Kingdom

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 24, 2015

This is not a crime and Hitler did nothing wrong.
This is not a crime and Hitler did nothing wrong.

It is not illegal to burn flags in the UK, and so the arrests of the protesters at Saturday’s White Man March in Newcastle were illegal.

Precedent has shown that this is not against the law.  What is against the law is arresting people who have not committed any crime.  As such, those arrested have an opportunity to sue the police for violating their rights.

There is currently a movement in the UK to make it illegal to burn the Union Jack, which is reasonable.  But these boys didn’t burn the Union Jack, they burned a fag flag, a Che Guevara flag and a Jew flag.  This is not only not illegal, it is also very good.

May many more marches like this take place and may many more Jew flags be burned!

Here is the RT video of the entire march.

And here is a video of British communists burning the British flag: