Flanked by Trump and Rising White Backlash, Cuck Jeff Flake Quits Senate!

Lee Rogers
Daily Stormer
October 25, 2017

Is the age of boomer cuck conservatism finally coming to an end? It certainly looks that way. Another boomer cuck in the Senate has decided to quit.

CBS News:

Sen. Jeff Flake abruptly announced Tuesday he won’t run for re-election after all in the 2018 midterm elections and will leave the Senate when his term ends in January 2019. He also delivered a blistering rebuke of President Trump’s behavior.

The Arizona Republican announced on the Senate floor that he could “better serve my country and conscience” by dropping his re-election bid, “freeing myself of the political consideration that consumed far too much bandwidth,” he said.

Flake issued a thinly-veiled take-down of President Trump, criticizing the “personal attacks,” the “threats against principles, freedom and institutions” and “flagrant disregard for truth and decency.” He argued that recklessness, outrageous and unhinged behavior have been excused as “telling it like it is, but he warned that when such behavior “emanates from the top of government,” he said it’s something else.

“It is dangerous to our democracy,” Flake said. “Why didn’t you speak up? What are we going to say?” he asked rhetorically. “Mr. President, I rise today to say, enough.”

What a loser this Flake clown is. He claims that he’s not seeking re-election because of “principles” and “values” which is a lie. He’s not seeking re-election because he knows he can’t win. A poll conducted a few months ago showed Flake with an approval rating of 18 percent! Keli Ward, his primary opponent supported by Steve Bannon, has also been leading him by a large margin in polls.

The most pathetic part about this is how Flake used his speech to attack the President, claiming that he threatens “principles” or something. What the hell does that even mean? What “principles” is he talking about?

All we’ve heard from boomer cuck conservative types is talk about “principles” and “values,” yet they’ve managed to conserve nothing. They’ve pushed endless wars for Jews, allowed unlimited third world immigration and managed to fold on every cultural issue of significance. This is their legacy. If these are what he calls “principles” and “values,” then it is a good thing that he views the President poorly. Trump should view this as a badge of honor.

And he’s probably butt hurt because Trump called him out as an unprincipled faggot.

Flake is a traitor just like his fellow boomer cuck Bob Corker who has been all over the Jew run national media whining about Trump. Corker quit under similar circumstances. He knew that he couldn’t win because White Americans want their country back and are no longer going to put up with fools like hims.

Let’s hope we see more of these Republican cucks quit. They all need to be purged from the ranks of political power. The sooner this happens the better!