Florida City Elects Government Exclusively Staffed by Faggots

Adrian Sol
Daily Stormer
November 13, 2018

This is what a serious government looks like.

Haha, “Florida Man” strikes again!

At any given time, you can google “Florida Man” to get the latest on his crazy antics. “Miami-Dade Man,” on the other hand, is just a sick bastard.

Nobody knows why Florida Man does what he does – all we know is that he wears many faces, and comes from Florida.

Sometimes, his stories are a bit shocking, but they never fail to entertain.

But the latest news out of Florida are peculiar even by Florida Man standards.


Voters in Wilton Manors, Florida, on Tuesday elected the state’s first and the country’s second all-LGBTQ local government. Palm Springs, California, last year became the first locality in the U.S. to do so, according to the Victory Fund, which tracks lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer candidates and elected officials.

Justin Flippen, currently the city’s vice mayor, was elected mayor last week, and current Mayor Gary Resnick and newly elected Paul Rolli will fill the commission’s two vacancies. Scott Newton, the commission’s only straight member, lost his re-election bid.

Yes, and good riddance, too. It’s 2018, and the time for straight politicians has long past. Now, every town and county in America must staff their entire government exclusively with homosexualists.

If two cities have done it, then everyone else can do the same – unless they’re homophobic haters, that is.

For the fifth consecutive year, the Human Rights Campaign, a national LGBTQ advocacy group, awarded Wilton Manors a perfect score of 100 on its annual Municipal Equality Index, which uses 49 criteria to measure how inclusive a community is for its LGBTQ residents and visitors. This year, 78 out of the 506 small, medium and large cities were awarded a perfect score.

Apparently, according to this organization, it’s possible to have a perfect “equality score” even though there are still straight people involved with running the government.

Presumably, this would require the straight people to be otherwise “diverse,” such as being disabled Somalians, or former felons.

Mexicans also make great and “diverse” politicians. Anything but straight White males is fine, really.

This information is presumably on their website, but I can’t be arsed to check.

Newly elected Paul Rolli, a retired IRS executive who moved to Wilton Manors with his partner 12 years ago, said the city “is on the verge of the next level of change from an economic and social standpoint.” But he stressed that the positive changes on the horizon will be for all residents, not just those who identify as LGBTQ.

“While the city has a large LGBTQ population, it is not a majority,” he said. “The fact that we now have an all-LGBTQ commission is a historical marker, but not necessarily a defining moment.”

Some of you may wonder, if faggots can represent the interests of non-faggots just fine, then why can’t straight White males represent the interests of minorities?

That’s because all straight White males are inherently hateful bigots who can’t set aside their own interests. So they all have to go.

Echoing Rolli, Flippen said this is an exciting time in Wilton Manors for all its residents — gay or straight.

“Community in Wilton Manors means everyone, and when I take office as mayor, my mission is to serve all,” Flippen said. “We are focused on local initiatives that will best prepare us for the future, specifically, driving economic growth while protecting the character of our neighborhoods, building community through programs and events, and planning for the resiliency of a South Florida city facing sea level rise and climate change.”

Wilton Manors’ all-LGBTQ commission is part of this year’s so-called rainbow wave, which saw more than 150 lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer political candidates emerge victorious in the midterm elections.

A “rainbow wave” has come to cleanse America of its dull, gray existence.

Everything in its path will be obliterated.

Florida Man will be at the forefront of this transformation – which must take place.