Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 2, 2020

How is it possible that this has been happening for years and we are just now discussing banning it?
Shouldn’t “with gay marriage passed, we have decided the next step in the homo revolution is to start injecting children with sex hormones and cutting their dicks off” have led to an immediate backlash?
Did it just take this long for boomers to realize this was actually not some elaborate joke?
A bill that could make it a felony to perform sex-change surgeries on minors as well as inject them with drugs to delay puberty is set to go before a Florida House subcommittee next week, as more states eyeing similar motions.
The ‘Vulnerable Child Protection Act’ will be on the agenda of the Florida House Quality subcommittee as it meets on Monday.
The bill is sponsored by Republican Rep. Anthony Sabatini, who has long opposed the practice that permits a doctor to treat underage patients suffering from ‘gender dysphoria’ with medicine that slows the onset of puberty and to perform sex-change surgeries on them, providing their parents OK the procedure.
“Common sense,” the lawmaker tweeted on Saturday, welcoming the news of his proposal moving forward.
Common sense
— Anthony Sabatini (@AnthonySabatini) February 1, 2020
If passed, the law would make it a second-degree felony for any health care provide to engage in the activity aimed at altering a minor’s sex.
When he filed the bill back in January, the lawmaker compared the sex-changing treatment to maiming, tweeting that “no parent should be allowed to sterilize or permanently disfigure a child.”
Today I filed HB 1365, the Vulnerable Child Protection Act. This Bill makes it a felony for a health care practitioner to surgically or medically change the sex of a minor. No parent should be allowed to sterilize or permanently disfigure a child.
— Anthony Sabatini (@AnthonySabatini) January 13, 2020
The proposed law has drawn swift pushback from Democrats, arguing that the bill outlaws “life-saving healthcare treatment” to teenagers that have not yet come of age. The critics of the ban argue that children that are not able to receive such treatment are at a higher risk of depression and suicide.
Speaking to the Blaze on Saturday, Sabatini accused Democrats in the Republican-controlled legislature, who attempt to shoot down his proposal, of “furthering a political agenda” at the expense of children’s health. Citing medical findings on the issue, the lawmaker said that about 80 percent of children tend to “outgrow” their body dysphoria.
While the Florida bill has yet many hoops to go through before it can become a law, a similar bill already cleared the House of Representatives in South Dakota. Approved on Wednesday, it bans doctors from prescribing puberty blockers to anyone under 16 as well as outlaws sex reassignment surgery.
Why should any of it be legal?
Anyone who wants to mutilate their genitals should automatically be assumed to be mentally ill, and their decision-making privileges should be turned over to the state.
At the very least, the Republicans should be demanding the whole thing be banned. Maybe they’ll only get it banned for kids, but there is no reason any of it should be legal.
We know for a fact that adults who do this procedure regret it.
But once that dick is chopped, there is no going back.
This is sort of an obvious thing that anyone can recognize as reasonable.
I remember that as late as 2006, Amanda Palmer – a woman married to the extremist Jew Neil Gaiman – was singing about how people would regret cutting their dicks off.
Lyrics to “Sex Changes”:
Dear mr. and/or mrs. sender-
We’re pleased to inform you that your application’s been accepted
Starting from the time you get this letter
Your life will be one never-ending
“hope you’re feeling better”
You get your choice of an aesthetic
We’ll need to chop your clock off (tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock)
It might not be what you expected
There is no money back once you’ve been ripped off
Today’s a very special day
The boys’ll murder for it but what will the neighbors say
It leaves you feeling pretty hollow
It might be nice to look at
Don’t forget you’re stuck with it tomorrow (and tomorrow, and tomorrow….)
You’re big enough to stop pretending
You’ll start to really show within a week or so
So don’t go saying it’s just come to your attention
You’ll get more than you’re asking for without the right protection
Today’s a very special day
And how you’d love to have a little thing with which to play
But love won’t get you very far
Today be still your beating heart
You’ll have to keep on feeding it tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow
Boys will be boys will be boys will be boys will be boys will be boys will be girls with no warning
Girls will be girls will be guys will be boys that don’t cry over toys that they use to beat girls they despise by the morning
They always said that sex would change you…
No second thoughts the knife is nearing
You’ll never hear the little pitter patter pitter patter
Of this little feat of engineering
Of course I love you and of course it’s what’s inside that matters
But I think the whole charade is ending
It seems to me to be the only way to keep from getting
Caught up in a long life of regretting
The doctors said that once you get a taste for it you’ll keep on cutting
But while you happen to be here
Why don’t you whisper all those sweet forevers in my ear
Stiff upper lip for all this sorrow
Hurry up and stick it in
You never when it will end
Tomorrow or tomorrow or tomorrow…