Florida Man Battles Swarthy, Obese Walmart Mask Enforcer

If there’s one thing about white men in their sixties, it’s that they’re entitled to believe they have freedom to do things they were allowed to do a couple months ago.

This is because they’re pure evil.


The video, which has been viewed more than 6.4 million times, showed the gray-haired man fighting with the employee at the Orlando superstore on Saturday — the same day masks became mandatory in Orange County, WDBO reported.

At first, the worker tried to block the man from entering using his arms.

“You gotta wear a mask, bro!” the man behind the camera says.

The older man then shoves the Walmart employee before he falls to the floor at one point.

The maskless man, determined to get inside the store, scrambles to get inside while the employee continues to block him.

“You want a mask, man?” one person can be heard saying. “I got some!”

The maskless man ignored the offer and made it halfway up an aisle.

“Let the man do his job, bro!” the man recording yells. “Get a mask!”

Ultimately, the man without a mask angrily left the supermarket, but not without the employee telling him that he was “spitting all over the fucking place.”

He should have cut himself and started bleeding and said that he also had super AIDS.

Did you know that masks were being enforced as a kind of law now?

Did you know this isn’t ever going away?

We tried to tell you that. We tried to tell you to stand up and fight back against this hoax.

Now the hoax is entrenched, and there is no way out.

At least I was able to get the cool mask.

I’m like the Combine now and you’re stuck looking poor with a t-shirt wrapped around your face so you can shop at Walmart.

We tried to warn you.