Fold Your Hands Child, You Walk Like a Peasant

Here we rest.

Nearly a year ago to the day, on October 7th of 2023, Palestinian resistance group Hamas made an unprecedented incursion into Israel, taking many hostages and ostensibly humiliating Israel. Israel responded with a massive war, claiming the objective was to “destroy Hamas.” This was obviously not a viable objective in the short or medium term, and many wondered what the Jews were thinking, setting such an absurd bar for victory. It quickly became clear that it was more than luck that allowed Hamas to have such a successful foray into Jewish territory: the IDF had effectively stood down. It was later confirmed that insider trading took place before the attack, proving beyond any reasonable doubt that the Netanyahu government allowed it to happen on purpose.

It quickly became clear to anyone paying attention that the Israeli plan was to commit a large-scale massacre in Gaza, which would trigger attacks by Hezbollah. Israel would then attack Hezbollah (you are here), which would then be spun into a conflict with Iran, which the Jews would be able to drag the United States into. Within a period of a few years, Israel would thereby be able to destroy all of her enemies, which would then allow for normalization with the corrupt remainders of the Middle Eastern Islamic world, Sunni countries all ruled by villains with no ambitions beyond those of a base material nature.

This all seemed too overwrought and convoluted to actually work. Looking at things a year on, however, it seems a lot less unlikely.

Last week, the leadership of Hezbollah was completely decapitated by Israel. That includes the long-time Secretary General, Hassan Nasrallah, who was for some reason not in a tunnel despite the fact that Israel had begun large scale terrorist and bombing operations.

There is nothing you can say about that other than that it’s incredible. Hezbollah had decades to prepare for the eventuality Israel would make this move, and for a year they knew for a fact Israel would make this move, and yet their intelligence was so poor they allowed themselves to be decimated completely in a matter of days.

As I write, Israel is now moving into Lebanon with ground forces, while Iranian leadership is whining, begging the Americans or people at the UN or whoever will listen to somehow force the Jews to follow the rules. The fact that the Iranians believe there are rules is inexplicably bizarre, but after endless red line talking, this is what they are doing.

After the political leader of Hamas was assassinated in Tehran on July 31st, Iran vowed revenge and then did nothing. We are now hearing that the leadership of Iran was told by the United States that if they did not retaliate, there would be a ceasefire in Gaza. It’s virtually unfathomable that the Iranians would believe this, but they are apparently so devoted to avoiding war that they are willing to believe anything.

It’s terrible.

Dreams of Tel Aviv Burning

It’s likely that I’m the only Western commentator who will publicly admit to it, because it’s gruesome, but what everyone opposed to the Jews wants to see is Tel Aviv on fire. We want to see Israel turned into Gaza, we want to see Arabs in masks with AK-47s marching through the ruins, occupying the palaces of Israel, Jews blindfolded, tied up, awaiting summary execution. We want to see the Ayatollah leading prayers on the mount of a unified Jerusalem.

Grisly as it may be, that is what justice would look like.

Since the end of World War II, the Jews have dominated the earth, and we all want this to end as quickly as possible. Personally, I am exhausted. I am exhausted watching what the Jews have done to the Arabs, but I’m much more exhausted by what the Jews have done to my country, to my people, to me personally and to the people I care about, and above all else I want justice to be served. And the Jews are guilty of everything they stand accused of. Never has there been a people more deserving of retribution.

There is a group of commentators on the internet who have been telling people for a year that Iran and its allies, Hezbollah in particular, were well capable of somehow crippling Israel. I don’t want to name names, but if I did want to name names, at the top of the list would be names like “Scott Ritter,” “Pepe Escobar,” and “Jackson Hinkle.”

Anyone who understands the Jewish problem enjoyed hearing from these self-proclaimed experts on the “Axis of Resistance” that Israel was finally going to get its comeuppance. This didn’t seem totally out of the question, given that the IDF has faced significant setbacks in Gaza. However, what we’ve seen in the days since the shocking exploding pager attack of September 17th has demonstrated that the Jews are very much in the game and that there is a very real chance they will have success in their long term objectives in the region.

Reality isn’t based on what we want. Reality stands on its own, regardless of what anyone thinks about it. People who are still claiming that everything the “Axis of Resistance” is doing is going according to plan are delusional, denying basic reality. Hezbollah was the single most important Iranian proxy, and Israel has wiped them out like it was nothing.

Things in the Middle East are looking quite grim, and you should not let anyone tell you otherwise.

All is Not Lost

While there is no denying that what Israel has done in the last days is a massive blow to the would-be heroes of the Middle East, it is a long road to Tehran. There is still reason to hope that the Iranians will come to their senses and accept the reality that there is no series of words they can say to the United States or the United Nations that is going to prevent Israel from launching full-scale war against them.

What is concerning is not really that the Axis of Resistance suffered such a humiliating defeat, but that they appear so rattled and even confused by it.

However, we must remember that the Middle East front is simply one front in a global war between the Jews, represented by their great champion, America, versus the rest of the world. Though the focus is presently on Israel’s war, Israel is fighting the same war that the US is fighting in the Ukraine and is trying to incite in the Pacific.

The US is not doing well internally. It feels like a powder keg ready to blow. There are a lot of drugs, porn, streaming television shows, video games, and processed foods, which serve as a glue holding everything together, but there is a deep rot, and on a long enough timeline, it is simply not feasible for the US to continue in its current state.

When the US finally gets dragged into the war against Iran, that will be the defining turning point. If Iran is able to simply hold out, to keep drones and rockets firing at Israel, to keep the Strait of Hormuz closed to Western ships, to drain the United States of its resources and allow Russia and China room to maneuver while the US is distracted, this could all turn out great, and in ten years time, we could be living in a white, Christian country, looking back at the bad old days when we were enslaved to the Jews.

In Defense of Global Thermonuclear War

There is another thing you will not find anyone other than me willing to admit: if the United States were to be on the verge of winning their war against the rest of the world, if they were close to forcing Jewish rule – gay sex, feminism, multiculturalism, atheism – on all of the people of the world, it would be much better if there were a nuclear war that annihilated many or most of the people on earth.

I would go so far as to say that even if all life on earth were to be ended, that would be vastly preferable to a Jewish victory over all mankind. After all, everyone dies, and it doesn’t really matter when you die. It is better to die than to leave generations to live in total slavery to the Jews.

Of course, if there were a nuclear war, everyone wouldn’t die. Nor would you have a “Fallout” type scenario with “nuclear winter” and unmanageable radiation. Nations would fall and in the worst scenario, billions would die, but humans would continue. Such a world would not be ruled by Jews, but by men of intelligence, physicality, and morality.

It may be that a devastating nuclear exchange between the great powers is precisely the kind of “great reset” we need in order for a better world to emerge.

Of course, that is an extreme scenario.

We should hope it does not come to that. I don’t want that. I wish it was the sixties. I wish we could be happy.

Still, I advise that everyone be prepared for such an eventuality.

One thing is clear: things are going to get a lot worse before they get better.