Footage Shows White Cop Shooting Unarmed Black Woman in the Face in Her Illinois Home

I used to side with the cops. I would see a headline like this one and say “well, there must be more to it, I’m sure that nigger was up to something.”

Now, however, following the virus hoax primarily, as well as other events like the police attacks on student protesters, I just instinctively side with the nigger.

When it comes to interactions with cops, I am solidly pro-nigger. A nigger held a knife to my throat once and a gun to my head another time. A nigger stole the bag of a woman I was with twice. Niggers have done several other things against me.

However, no nigger ever locked me in my house or forced me to wear a cuck muzzle at Walmart. No nigger ever told me I couldn’t protest the Jews.

It was always a choice between the lesser of two evils, but I’m on Team Nigger now.

Or maybe I should say: “having learned from experience, I have determined that cops are the real niggers.”

The Guardian:

Authorities have released shocking video that shows a white police officer in Illinois shooting a Black woman – who called police in fear of a home intruder – in the face, killing her.

Sonya Massey, 36, was killed early on the morning of 6 July by deputy Sean Grayson of the Sangamon county sheriff’s office in her home in Springfield, the Illinois state capitol.

Sonya Massey. Looks friendly enough to me. 

Massey, whom her daughter confirmed was paranoid-schizophrenic, had called police because she thought someone was trying to break into her home. When police arrived, they began looking into Massey’s home with flashlights, a neighbor, Cheryl Evans, told the Guardian. Evans wondered why police hadn’t knocked on her door, as they typically have done in the past when searching for suspects. Eventually, Grayson, who is white, and his partner entered the home where they began speaking to Massey.

Sean Grayson… forearm tattoos, clear history of steroid use (though presumably not on cycle right now). This is the exact type of goon who is going to hit you with a club because you aren’t wearing a mask. 

After an initial discussion and request for Massey’s drivers license, Grayson spotted a pot of boiling water on the stove and ordered Massey to remove it to avoid starting a fire. In doing so, Massey asks the officers – who visibly distance themselves from her as she goes to handle the pot – why they moved away from her.

“Where you going?” she asks them.

“Away from your hot steaming water,” Grayson answers, with a laugh, before Massey responds: “Away from the hot steaming water? Oh, I’ll rebuke you in the name of Jesus.”

With his gun drawn, Grayson closed the distance between himself and Massey, who was beginning to kneel behind a counter with her hands up.

You better fucking not, I swear to God I’ll fucking shoot you right in your fucking face,” Grayson warned.

Wow, tough guy.

Having a little girl type freakout.

Seriously, imagine Dirty Harry saying that. To a woman.

Massey can be heard saying, “I’m sorry,” as Grayson continues to advance. “I’m sorry,” she says again as Grayson fires three shots, striking her with a bullet below the eye that exited from the back of her neck.

As Massey lay dying on her kitchen floor, Grayson says he’ll go get his medical kit to render aid.

“That’s a headshot. She’s done,” Grayson says before going to get the med kit.

When I watched the George Floyd tape, it pissed me off,” said Tiara Standage, a Springfield resident who is Black and has helped Massey’s family in recent weeks as they have navigated legal remedies and media coverage. “When I watched this, it pissed me off even further.”

Well, maybe if you wouldn’t have been so pissed off about the George Floyd tape, people would care more about this one?

Basically, after George Floyd, normal people hear this “innocent black killed by white cop” stuff and just roll their eyes.

Sonya Massey’s mother.

It’s unlikely this will get any traction.

I said I support the blacks over the cops, but I should clarify: I don’t support BLM or black movements.

I just agree that cops are out of control, and I’m not going to defend some cop who shot some woman to death because he’s too much of a baby to do his job.