Australian pundit and former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd attacked Tucker Carlson this week after the latter pointed out that Australia has devolved into a bizarre dystopian police state.
Rudd argued that no one should be allowed to talk about the state of the police state in Australia, including Americans, because of science.
This Murdoch right-wing nut job should just stick to polarising America. Not Australia. Most of us here still believe in something quaintly called – “science”. This bloke was Trump’s greatest groveller. And stitched at the hip to Murdoch’s mini-me Lachlan https://t.co/bUbEHud8mP
— Kevin Rudd (@MrKRudd) October 6, 2021
Rudd believes in the science, and supports whatever the science chooses to do.
His attacks on Tucker came after he’d used his show to question what the science is doing to Australia.
So, let’s check in on what exactly the science is doing to Australia, and ask ourselves if this is the future we want for ourselves.
People are locked in their houses by the science and if they try to go outside, science police run them down on horseback.
Bloody hell. The absolute state of Melbourne right now. This is like something out a dystopian horror movie.#Melbourneprotest #Melbourne#Australia
pic.twitter.com/ef4s2V99GZ— James Melville (@JamesMelville) October 2, 2021
Those are science horses, and the clubs the cops are using are charged with science. They are trying to beat the science into people.
The soldiers of science are unstoppable. A total street army that will crush anyone who tries to go outside.
Australia is no longer a free country.
People who go out on the streets wanting freedom get tackled by the police into the ground.
You are not allowed to protest for freedom in Australia. pic.twitter.com/MdyUtivkzw
— PeterSweden (@PeterSweden7) October 2, 2021
#Australia Melbourne #tyranny pic.twitter.com/QcWsmsnQWz
— Nicole Elisei (@EliseiNicole) October 3, 2021
The science has no remorse, and no emotion. This shows through in the Science Force, which behaves with total sadism. Watch a science enforcer choke a young woman.
Gov. Ron DeSantis is the 1st elected official in America that I have heard call out the fascist Government of Australia.
Why is there silence from others. Australia is literally Nazi Germany in the early 1930’s #AustraliaHasFallen
pic.twitter.com/X3zQxM6x8S— Melissa Tate (@TheRightMelissa) September 30, 2021
But the people are continuing to do their best to stand against the sheer brutality of the science.
Meanwhile in Australia, despite govt banned on protests the anti mandate demonstrators came to the streets for a peaceful march and are chanting "My Body My Choice". pic.twitter.com/j0GisY8jy5
— 🧢מאק (@beingrealmac) October 2, 2021
The science invented an app where the government can contact you and give you five minutes to respond before they rush you.
Meanwhile in Australia.
— Avi Yemini 🇦🇺🇮🇱 (@OzraeliAvi) October 6, 2021
Unfortunately, while it’s very good at brutality and sadism, the science has hit a bit of a snag in the health sector, as the overwhelming majority of people in Australia who are hospitalized and dying under the pretense of “the coronavirus” are vaccinated, according to government health officials.
“It’s a Pandemic of the unvaccinated” debunked. Australia health minister says “97% of people in hospitals & dying are vaccinated” pic.twitter.com/IvVYF94RSL
— Melissa Tate (@TheRightMelissa) October 1, 2021
It was announced this week by an Oz official that 6 out of 7 recent deaths from the supposed virus were from those who were vaccinated.
6 out of 7 or 86% of the people that "died of COVID-19" yesterday in New South Wales, Australia were fully or partly vaccinated. pic.twitter.com/cQ6qoDii9G
— Wide Awake in Switzerland (@timetowakeupsw1) September 29, 2021
The science is no doubt going to take action to cover up these deaths and statistics. Facts and statistics are the one thing that the science fears most.
With many people not wanting the dangerous vaccine, which so vastly increases the chances of death, the science has taken drastic measures to force the population to submit to the deadly science injection.
AUSTRALIA. If you haven’t had a vaccine by the 15th of October then you will starve. It’s very simple.
If you forgive this government this, then you don’t deserve the freedom they took without you even whimpering.
Hold. Your. Line!#covidnsw pic.twitter.com/R5Og3vJvLY
— Bernie's Tweets (@BernieSpofforth) October 1, 2021
Meanwhile, the science is claiming that it’s trying to come up with a way to prevent so many people from dying from its vaccine.
#Australia : I had to listen to this twice to make sure I heard what I heard pic.twitter.com/l8ssjXYPAg
— La French ConAction..🇫🇷 (@LFConaction) October 3, 2021
The science has been extremely successful in destroying independent businesses in Australia, which I think was one of its main goals.
Haunting full-color images of Warsaw in 1945.
Oh wait, no—this is Melbourne, Australia. In 2021.pic.twitter.com/lYABcLsmxI
— Michael P Senger (@MichaelPSenger) October 5, 2021
Billie Eilish apparently believes the science is going to let up soon, because she’s planned a 2022 tour of Australia and New Zealand.
Happier Than Ever, The World Tour 2022
Australia & New ZealandSign up for Billie’s official mailing list to get early access to tickets on Monday, October 11.
Tickets go on sale to the public Friday, October 15.https://t.co/6hWuy4ELSv pic.twitter.com/M20u39hGRm— billie eilish (@billieeilish) October 6, 2021
She has to trust both that the science will loosen its grip on these countries, and that the science won’t kill her with vaccines before she gets there.
It was nice to see Americans protesting in support of freedom for Australia.
New Yorkers protest on behalf of the Australians suffering under interminable lockdown.
“Save Australia, Save Humanity!”pic.twitter.com/yu3WXqn5sz
— Michael P Senger (@MichaelPSenger) October 6, 2021
“What’s going on in Australia is not just going to be Australia. And when it shows up on our doorsteps, we’re gonna punch it right in the f****** teeth” Additional speeches as this afternoon’s march against vaccine mandates concludes at the Australian consulate #NewYork pic.twitter.com/k7eyjUrx6i
— Brendan Gutenschwager (@BGOnTheScene) October 4, 2021
This is a global attack by science on the people of the world, and the least we can do is stand up for our brothers and sisters in the Anglosphere.
Australians are unable to protest, because they will get brutally beaten by the science.
Poland is also standing with Australia, against this attack by science.
the revolution will not be televised.
Polish diplomats & politicos appear to RAISE THE ALARM at their embassy in Australia about Australia’s drift to authoritarianism, comparing its behaviour to North Korea#RESIST 🇵🇱 🇦🇺 pic.twitter.com/sunQ179Uta
— Maajid أبو عمّار (@MaajidNawaz) October 2, 2021
Australia is an example of what the science will do if you give it free rein over your country. There is no depths that the science will not sink to as it seeks to destroy you and everything you hold dear.
The science is totally out of control at this point, and it is intent on stripping us of our most basic humanity. The science is trying to kill us all.
It’s time for the people of the world to take a stand against the science, in support of logic, rationality, facts, data, evidence, and basic common sense.
The science is more evil than any challenge the human species has ever faced, and we now have all of our leaders swearing allegiance to it and its stated agenda to oppress and destroy all of us.